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A Vision Quest of Support to Improve Student Learning: Validating My Living Standards of Practice: Heather Knill-Griesser

My action research project is a description and explanation of my life as a teacher, consultant, and researcher for the Grand Erie District School Board from 1997 to 2001. Here I share narratives of my professional growth and relationships that are my living and developmental values (Laidlaw, 1998) to explore the question,

How can I as a teacher-consultant support teachers to improve student learning and improve the quality of my influence through an exploration of my living and developmental values in my professional practice?

My inquiry includes a study of the consistency of my values in my "Living Standards of Practice" in my relationships with teachers, curriculum support staff, program coordinators, administrators, and parents. It is my goal "to add to the 'disciplines' of education which can be established by all those who are creating their own living educational theories" (Whitehead, 1998, p. 5), thus contributing to our ongoing professional knowledge base.

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