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Action Research in the Grand Erie District School Board

published work
passion in professional practice

As part of our work in building a culture of inquiry, reflection and research in the Grand Erie District School Board, we wish to share the work of our practitioner researchers, our passion in professional practice.

Sharing our research is a means to public accountability. Once it is released on this web site, we open ourselves to challenges to our claims to know as well as to opportunities for others to validate our knowing.

One reason that action research is so seldom seen as a means to improving student learning and teacher professionalism is that the evidential base is so meagre. Through the voices of our teachers and administrators we mean to add to the knowledge base of teaching and learning.

We wish to acknowledge the work of Dr. Jack Whitehead at the University of Bath for guidance and inspiration both for the editors and for the thousands of teachers that he has influenced to share their incredible knowledge. Much of the research on this website adheres to Jack's "living educational theory" approach to action research.

We invite you to engage with us in building the evidential base of action research in order to improve student learning.

Editors: Dr. Jacqueline Delong, Cheryl Black, Heather Knill-Griesser

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