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Teacher Consultant's Role In Developing and Facilitating an Interdisciplinary Studies Course: Dave Abbey

This project has seen many transitions in my career. Originally, I planned to teach the science component of the interdisciplinary studies course in agribusiness, but have ended up as the teacher consultant supporting two other classroom teachers. I am deeply grateful to these professionals who were willing to hold up their practice for me to examine my own.

Without the support of my superintendent, Jackie Delong, and the Grand Erie District School Board, this project would never have come to light. I appreciate the students of Delhi District Secondary School who elected to take the IDS course in agribusiness. Additionally, I thank the members of the community and postsecondary institutions who supported our ground-breaking attempt at something valuable for our students and our community.

My project supervisor, Dr. Sharon Abbey of Brock University's Faculty of Education, has been incredibly supportive through this long process. She opened my mind to holistic ideals and was willing to trust that I could keep an open mind through the course of this project. Her thoughtful and skilful reading of my paper pushed me to express my thoughts and findings precisely, and it was through her words that my own found real meaning.

As an action researcher, I truly value the critical partner in a research project. My wife, Lynn, has been my critical partner in this project as she is in my life. Because we work so well together personally and professionally, I have been able to express my thoughts in the most open way and to engage in unbridled discussion about this and many other topics. Her support has been unwavering, and I have been enriched byworking with her.

This paper is about my values as an educator. It should be said that, above all else, I value my family. In addition to the dedication of my wife, I am grateful to have had the support of wonderful parents, Cheryle and Ron Abbey. I hope I can live the values they inspired in me to support my daughter, Grace, that she may fulfill all her promises.

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