5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 20 December 2004

The celebratory conversation to mark the end of 2004 will include a focus on the possibility of establishing a loving flow of life-affirming energy as a living educational standard of judgement. For more details of the Monday evening conversation Click here

Jane has drafted some ideas on teachers' stories for the English Language Gazettehere

Moira has sent in her story on, 'How can I help to promote educational sustainability at our AR Centre and beyond?' A draft interim-report by Dr. Moira Laidlaw, December 2004. China's Experimental Centre for Educational Action Research in Foreign Languages Teaching, Guyuan Teachers College, Guyuan 756000, Ningxia Province, P.R. China. This does seem to provide very strong support for Jane's paperclick here

5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 13 December 2004

James Payn has agreed to share the story board he used for his opening address to the Celebratory Conference of the Networked Learning Community programme at the National Centre for School Leadership on the 7th December 2004, with details of his archiving of video clips from his classroom with his pupils on his apple-mac.

Ken has sent in the Awakening Consciousness Newsletter for discussion from Altazar Rossiter and you can access this by Clicking here

Alon attended Helen Haste's Lecture on the 8th December at the Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution on, I believe, Therefore I am: Values, Citizenship and Personal Identity. How do values make us effective citizens? I'm hoping that Alon will give us an account of his responses to the lecture. Two of the contributions to the BERA 04 Symposia we organised have just been published on Education-line. These are:

Whitehead, J. & McNiff, J. (2004) Ontological, epistemological and methodological commitments in practitioner-research. Retrieved on 9th December 2004 from

Whitehead, J. (2004) Do the values and living logics I express in my educational relationships carry the hope of Ubuntu for the future of humanity? Retrieved on 9th December 2004 from

5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 6 December 2004

Alan Rayner - Welcome to the Common Space - Where All Really Is Flow - Draft Chapter Two of Alan's new book Click here

5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 22 November 2004

James Payn - I have had such a good year. Click here

Prologue to Eleanor Lohr's Thesis, Love at Work, submitted November 2004 Click here

5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 15 November 2004

Mark Williams' ideas on VisionPlace Click here

Jack Whitehead's draft paper on: Influences of Educational Action Research in the Internationalisation of Educational Development. How can we create collaborative and inclusional living educational theories at China's Experimental Centre for Educational Action Research in Foreign Languages Teaching? Click here

5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 14 June 2004

James Payn - Enquiry Advocate for Network Learning Bath on Why Do I Teach? Click here

The BERA Practitioner-Researcher Day at Bath, 19th June 2004 Click here

BERA 04 Symposium on - Have We Created A New Epistemology For The New Scholarship Of Educational Enquiry Through Practitioner Research? Developing Sustainable Global Educational Networks Of Communication. With Jean McNiff, Caitriona McDonagh, Bernie Sullivan, Mairin Glenn - University of Limerick; Joan Whitehead, Bernie Fitzgerald - University of the West of England ; Marian Naidoo - National Institute for Mental Health England; Jack Whitehead - University of Bath. Click here

BERA 04 Symposium on - How Are We Contributing To A New Scholarship Of Educational Enquiry Through Our Pedagogisation Of Postcolonial Living Educational Theories In The Academy? With Paulus Murray - Rayal Agricultural College; Sarah Fletcher - University of Bath; Je Kan Adler-Collins - Fukuoka University; Jack Whitehead - University of Bath. Click here

5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 24 May 2004

Alon Serper - Now, the sixty-four thousand dollar question that everything in the last decade as far as my academic work goes back to is how do I turn my composition and life/living reflective and descriptive journal into a clear doctorate thesis of human existence that can stand critical standards of judgement of rigour, analysis, public use and interest and can contribute towards my declared goal of establishing a clear, integrative model of human existence dedicated completely to the accommodation of the human subject? Click here

5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 19 April 2004

Jill Burton, Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics, School of Education, University of South Australia, 'How did I get here? Can we talk about this?' Click here

5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 8 March 2004

Ruth Deakin Crick's contribution on Relationships As a Foundation for Learning Power Click here

5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 23 Feb. 2004

Joan Walton's contributions:

A) Finding Peace: Harmonising internal and External Worlds. Click here

B) My Spiritual Journey Click here

C) Participation in ESRC seminar on Spirituality Click here

Action Research Implemented in The Grand Erie District School Board: Impact on Teacher Development, Improvement and the Support System Jacqueline Delong's Keynote Address to be presented to the Japanese Association of Educators for Human Development on the 29th February 2004. Click here

5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 9 Feb. 2004

Moira Laidlaw's presentation on - A Description of my Logic. Draft paper, Moira Laidlaw, February 2004 China's Experimental Centre for Educational Action Research in Foreign Languages Teaching, Guyuan Teachers College, Ningxia. 756000 Click here

5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 2 Feb. 2004

Tim Small's reflections on an Encounter with a Spiritual Master Click here

Ceri William's paper on Thoughts on the Portability and Integration of Knowledge Click here

Marian Naidoo's paper on Thoughts on Living Dialectics. Click here

Alan Rayner's thoughts on Inclusionality. Click here

5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 26 Jan. 2004

Jack's multi-media contribution for the conversation on the 26th January Is this a valid explanation of my use of inclusional, dialectical and propositional logics in my living theory of my educational influence in my learning, in the learning of others and in the learning of social formations? Do my values carry the hope of Ubuntu for the future of humanity?

5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 17 Nov. 2003

Jack's paper/response to the conversation on the 12th November for the meeting on the 17th is on Ubuntu, the loving eye of an ecological feminism, post-colonial practice and influencing the education of social formations

The introduction to Sarah's doctoral thesis submission on 'How do I, A Professional Educator, Nurture Courage to Be' can be accessed in PDF format can be accessed here.


5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 3 Nov. 2003

I'd like to begin this session by drawing your attention to the latest letter from China by Moira Laidlaw. It is about last weekend's action research conference (1-2 Nov, 2003) with colleagues from Guyuan Teachers College, the Langdong Institute and the Haiyuan middle school. Because we wanted to spend some more time browsing through Tim Small's webpages we said that we would do this near the beginning of the session.

We are continuing with our conversation on inclusional ways of being with Alan Rayner and will video this part of the conversation. Eden Charles has been working in several African and Far Eastearn Countries and I've a brief clip of Eden talking about his visit to Sierra Leone. I think you might like to relate Eden's points to Tim Murithi's paper on 'Practical Peacemaking Wisdom from Africa:
Reflections on Ubuntu'
. I also want to draw your attention to the October Archive in Je Kan's web-space at Living Action Research and to Jacqui's latest contribution. Cheryl and Jackie are helping to organise the Annual Conference of the Ontario Educational Research Council and Cheryl has sent on a draft book outline for us.


5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 5th May 2003.

Last week I felt the influence of our conversations in so many different parts of the world. Jean, Jackie and Cheryl were in Chicago at the American Educational Research Association (Jackie and Cheryl then went on to the International Conference of Teacher Research). Je Kan is in his new flat in Japan and is making progress in developing a curriculum for the healing nurse in Fukuoka University. Moira resisted the pressure to leave China because of SARS and continues her work with staff and students at
Guyuan. Pip and Paulus have put in a joint proposal for the World Congress on Action Research, Action Learning and Process Management to be held in South Africa (details below).

For this coming Monday's conversation I've put some writings from Ceri
William in the Values section of at as contributions to our ongoing
conversations and our individual and co-enquiries. I suspect that Ceri's ideas in his paper on Systematic Transplantation (with the help of the web) are going to be increasingly important in extending our conversations and I'm hoping Ceri will contribute to
Monday's conversation. Tim's paper on Transforming Schools is also in the Values section and will help us to attend to spiritual values and energies, as will Ken's
understanding of the power of dance to strengthen relationships.

Alan is giving a lecture tomorrow (1st May) on Rationality and Inclusionality - The "Outs" and "Ins" of Biological and Other Science, for a psychology course on culture and belief. His summary includes:

"This loving feeling of 'inclusionality' or 'spatial togetherness' transforms our understanding of the nature of self, as having both local and non-local aspects, and so enables us to move from the logic of one or other to the logic of one with other."
and you can view the lecture which includes some of Alan's paintings at
Do let's explore the educational potential of developing the logic of one with other through co-enquiry.

Paulus has written a paper, following last Monday's conversation on: "Iraq, Utter Humiliation and Hypocrisy: A reflective contribution to the Practice of Co-Enquiring in the Bath University Educational ActionResearch Community" You can download this from
I was particularly moved by Paulus' plea:
"My plea is this, please see behind the discourse, and within it, and through it, and under it, and out the other side of it. My plea is that when you have done this, ask a question of yourself and somebody in your life: When do we have the conference to lament the thousands of unique and priceless Iraqi's killed by the coalition?"
Do have a look at the proposal submitted by Pip and Paulus (at the end of the paper) on Interrogating Issues of Race and Oppression using Living Educational Theory.
I found Robyn's presentation last Monday, on the importance of living alongside others, travelled well from her health visiting practice into characterising the quality of our conversation. Maybe exploring the implications of living this quality of relationship could become part of our co-enquiry?
Carrie is working on a contribution from her experiences on a PGCE programme. Sarah intends to have a draft of her thesis ready for submission to a Reader by the 8th May.
Joao and Margarida have been in touch - parenting rightly has taken priority. Mary and Lisa hope to join us again soon. Marion is now in the final phase of the writing up of her Ph.D. and it would be good to give some priority to responding to Marian whenever she feels that she'd like a response to her ideas and writings.

Love Jack.