5.30-7.00 Senior Common Room Monday 16 June 2008. Continuing a conversation with Alan Rayner and Jack Whitehead on inclusionality and living educational theory.
Click here 5.30-7.00 Senior Common Room Monday 28 April. A conversation with Alan Rayner and Jack Whitehead on inclusionality and living educational theory with a contribution by Eden Charles on Ubuntu.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 29 October. Continuing the conversation on The Inclusional Research Forum and Learning Space and evaluating contributions to the 2007-8 BERA Practitioner-Researcher e-seminar.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 22 October. The Inclusional Research Forum and Learning Space. The 2007-8 BERA Practitioner-Researcher e-seminar.
Click here 5.15-7.15 1WN 3.8 Monday 14 June. Celebrating accomplishments in 2006-7 including Jacqueline Delong's 34 years in education. Preparing for BERA 2007 and the Practitioner-Researcher Day on the 8 September. Thinking ahead for AERA 2008 and the proposal deadline of the 2nd August.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.17 Monday 21 May. Developing our Research Programmes, 2007-2009. Video-clips on YouTube with Alan Rayner. Draft Chapter on The Significance of 'I' in Living Educational Theories.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.17 Monday 30 April 2007. A conversation with Barry Hymer on his D.Ed.Psy research into giftedness. Alan's invitation to the 'Unhooked Thinking' Conference. Exploring the educational implications of living theory resources on the web.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.17 Monday 23 April 2007. Reviewing presentations at Invisible College, The American Educational Research Association and The International Conference of Teacher Research in Chicago during the week of the 8-14 April 2007 in relation to Alan's ideas on inclusionality, Marian's ideas on the emergence of a living theory of inclusional and responsive practice and the generation of relationally dynamic and responside standards of judgment in the generation of an epistemology for educational knowledge
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 2 April 2007. Catching up with Marian's postdoctoral enquiries. Use of i-DVD and i-Movie for creating visual narratives. Reviewing a claim that practitioner-researchers have created a new epistemology for educational knowledge.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.17 Monday 26 March 2007. Alan Rayner on Natural Inclusion. A new epistemology for educational knowledge. Presentations for Invisible College, AERA and ICTR during the week 8-14 April 2007 in Chicago.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.17 Monday 26 February 2007. Continuing with the video-taping of Margarida on Proprioception. Focusing on Moira Laidlaw's return to Ningxia Teachers University. Exploring world leading standards of judgment in the knowledge generated by practitioner-researchers.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.17 Monday 19 February 2007. Video-taping Margarida on Proprioception.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.17 Monday 12 February 2007. Living Logics of Inclusionality. Margarida on Proprioception. Contributions to BERA Practitioner-Researcher SIG e-seminar - creating a world of educational quality.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 22 January 2007. Inclusionality. BERA 07 symposium proposal. BERA Practitioner-Researcher SIG e-seminar on World leading standards in practice-based educational research. AERA & ICTR 2007 in Chicago.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 15 January 2007. Ideas on 'guiltless recognition' and 'societal reidentification', African Cosmology and Ubuntu from Eden's research. A story of 'Liehuo's sister and the pig'. Proposal for BERA 07 Keynote symposium.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 08 January 2007. Professor Kei Sawamoto from Japan's Women's University and Miwa Takeuchi on teachers' professional development in Japan. Marie Huxtable's response to Government Policy on Gifted and Talented Education.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 11 December 2006. Annie's viva. Alan's radio interview on inclusionality. The use of You Tube in creating visual narratives and living standards of judgment.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 4 December 2006. Preparing for a doctoral viva-voce examination. Video-tape to communicate Inclusionality and Ubuntu. Radio interview on Inclusionality with Alan. World Leading standards of judgement for Practitioner-Research.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 27 November 2006. Living Ubuntu in educational conversations. Standards of practice and judgment in the BERA Practitioner-Researcher e-seminar and in the Institute on Living The Standards of the Ontario College of Teachers.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 13 November 2006. Doctoral writings and the ontological, methodological and epistemological implications of Inclusionality. Karen Tesson's thesis. Journal of Living Theories.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 6 November 2006. BERA Practitioner-Researcher SIG 2006-7 e-seminar on standards of judgement. Doctoral writings and the epistemological implications of Inclusionality.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 30 October 2006.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 23 October 2006.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 16 October 2006. BERA Practitioner-Researcher SIG 2006-7 e-seminar. How would we judge practitioner-research in relation to the 2008 RAE criteria and the Common Good?
Click here 5.15-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 9 October 2006. Eden Charles' doctoral research programme. Creating an international refereed multi-media Journal Of Living Theories (JOLT). Notes for doctoral research supervisions.
Click hereFor Moira's response to Je Kan in the BERA 06-07 e-seminar on living standardsclick here 5.15-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 2 October 2006. Eden Charles' doctoral research with Ubuntu. Bill Clinton's embrace of Ubuntu. Moira Laidlaw's action plan for 2007-7 in China. Vasilyuk's ideas of value and creative experiencing.
Click hereMoira's 2006-7 action plan in China click here 5.15-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 25 September 2006. Alan Rayner's principles of Wisdom Enquiry. Yaqub Murray's response; 2006-7 BERA Practitioner Researcher SIG e-seminar on standards of judgement. Research into educational practices of inclusionality.
Click hereMoira's 5 years in Guyuan click here 5.15-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 18 September 2006. Yoland Wadsworth and her keynote for the 7th ALARPM World Congress. Je Kan Adler-Collins' Ph.D. research, 2006-7 BERA Practitioner Researcher SIG e-seminar on standards of judgement. Ken Masters' Peace Dance Proposal.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 19 June 2006. Moira Laidlaw's Professorial Inaugural Address. Developing Inclusional standards of judgement through the e-forum of the 7th World Congress of ALARPM.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 12 June 2006. Dynamic Incompleteness in Inclusionality. Developing our contributions to the guest e-forum of the 7th World Congress of ALARPM.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 5 June 2006. The 2006 exhibition of Life, The Environment and People. Contributions to the guest e-forum of the 7th World Congress of ALARPM and conference presentations from Marie, Alon, Yaqub and Jack.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 28 May 2006. The 2006 exhibition of Life, The Environment and People. Draft of Presentation for Research Students' Seminar on the 6th June on Facilitating a Living Theory Approach to Educational Research.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 8 May 2006. Proposals for the 7th World Congress on Action Learning, Action Research and Process Management. Unhooked Well-Being. The Thought Doctor and The Fellow Traveller.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 1May 2006. Marie Huxtable's and Jack Whitehead's living standards of judgement. Continuing our review of Unhooked Thinking. Conversation with Eleanor Lohr about Love at Work.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 27 March 2006. Educational conversation with John Wadsworth on love, harmony, beauty and proportion following The Dance of Venus.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 20 March 2006. Margarida Dolon on Proprioception. Video-tape of session and conversation on the relationally dynamic awarenesses of living standards of judgement of inclusionality.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 13 March 2006. Catching up with news of our activities. Accepted proposals for presentation at BERA 06 (6-9 September 2006, Warwick University). Introducing the idea of Ubuntu from AR workshops in South Africa.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 13 February 2006. AR workshops in South Africa. Visitors from Akershus University College, Norway.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 30 January 2006. Astrology, Philosophy and Ethics with John Wadsworth. BERA 06 proposals from Marie, Eden, Jean, Jack, Eleanor and John. Inclusionality - Alan's book.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 23 January 2006. A web of betweenness and a pedagogy of the unique. BERA 06 proposals. Marian Naidoo's postdoctoral enquiries. Educational influences in South Africa.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 16 January 2006 An educational conversation including the use of e-media in enhancing the educational influence of racialising, with whiteness, my living educational theories
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 9 January 2006 - Hopes for 2006. Establishing a virtual space of collaboration for living theory action research.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 12 December 2005 - Review of 2005. Looking forward to 2006.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 5 December 2005 - Cathy Aymer's graduation. Developing inclusional understandings through research - contributions to a British Council Seminar.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 28 November 2005 - Conversation with Belle Wallace, Living Archive of inclusional explanations of educational influence.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 21 November 2005 - Visit to Bereaved Parent's Forum, Responses to Viv Powell's enquiry into bullying, Marie Huxtable's writings and Jack Whitehead's responses plus several other contributions.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 14 November 2005 - Continued from the 7th November An embodied engagement with astrology as a tool for ethical and philosophical self-enquiry.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 7 November 2005 - An embodied engagement with astrology as a tool for ethical and philosophical self-enquiry.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 31 October 2005 - A very busy week! Continuing our conversations on embodiment, neighbourhood and inclusional standards of judgement.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 24 October 2005 - Contribution on Teacher Self-study For Exploring Effective Practices of Inclusion: in the context of engaging with student cultural diversity in the Curriculum: What works? to the HE Academy Forum on 26 October 2005. John Wadsworth on embodiment and the ideas of Merleau-Ponty.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 17 October 2005 Re-run of a community's response to Aids in Nongoma, KwaZulu-Natal/Inclusionality and Affirmations of Inclusionality.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 10 October 2005 Alon Serper's doctorate and living theories of well-being with Aids in Nongoma, KwaZulu-Natal (13 min. video)
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 3 October 2005 Alon Serper's doctorate and Geoff Whitty's BERA Presidential Address
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 26 September 2005 - First session of the 2005/06 Academic Year.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 18 July 2005 - Last session of the 2004/05 Academic Year.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 4 July 2005 - Reviewing the contributions on Action Research and Spirituality in the July Archive of the BERA Practitioner-Researcher SIG e-seminar. Returning to two of the items from last Monday: Moira's paper on the standards she uses to judge her educational influence, Dean Tian's paper for the 11th July from China's Experimental Centre for Educational
Action Research in Foreign Languages Teaching.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 27 June 2005 - Including contributions from Namrata on the Indian School of Microfinance for Women, Moira on the standards she uses to judge her educational influence, Dean Tian on his paper for the 11th July from China's Experimental Centre for Educational
Action Research in Foreign Languages Teaching, and Alan on Inclusionality.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 20 June 2005 - The conversation will include a focus on the question, How could we evaluate the educational influence of
Ken Masters' expression of two Dances from India with the pupils in James Payn class, in their learning, as they study the theme of India?
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 13 June 2005 - Including a video of a conversation with Ken Masters on Dance and with James Payn as we think about possible educational influences in the
learning of James' pupils from experiencing the expression of meaning with Dance from India.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 6 June 2005 - Continuing a conversation with Dr. Joao Roe on her work as Head of the Sensory Support Service in Bristol and with Marie Huxtable on her
work in BANES. Responding to Alan Rayner's paper on 'Why I Need My Space - I'd Rather Be a Channel Than a Node' - this has been published by the Medical and Scientific Network as an outstanding article.
Click here for more details of the session. 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 30 May 2005 - Including a conversation with Dr. Joao Roe on her work as head of the Sensory Support Service in Bristol.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 23 May 2005 - Including a conversation with Maggie Farren on her web-site and doctoral research. Showing how to make contributions to the BERA Practitioner-Researcher SIG e-seminar 16 May-23 July.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 16 May 2005 - BERA Practitioner-Researcher SIG e-seminar 16 May-23 July and the Future of Educational Research
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 9 May 2005 - Inclusional and Postcolonial Living Educational Theories and the Future of Educational Research in the UK
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 2 May 2005 - Robyn Pound on Living Educational Theories.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 25 April 2005 - Marian Naidoo's doctoral Abstract and standards in action research.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 4 April 2005 with Marian Naidoo.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 14 March 2005.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 7 March 2005.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 28 February 2005.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 21 February 2005.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 14 February 2005.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 7 February 2005.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 31 January 2005.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 24 January 2005.
Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 17 January 2005 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 10 January 2005 For contributions to our first Monday evening conversation of 2005. Click here Alon, Maggie, Jack and Alon are also hoping to share and develop the following ideas in 2005.1) Alon has clarified his present thinking on his doctoral enquiry, Click here 2) Maggie and Jack are working on a multi-media presentation on, Living webs of betweenness and our pedagogies of the unique: Enhancing our educational influence through sharing living educational theories with Information and Communication Technologies. This is for possible presentation at a multi-media conference later in the year. Click here 3) Alon and Jack are exploring possibilities for developing a research programme on inclusionality and living educational theories which could include the question: Can we enhance our contributions to social evolution through learning research-based practices of inclusionality in creating, testing and pedagogising, educational influences of our living educational theories? Click here. For Jack's latest thoughts at the beginning of Part Three of the growth of his educational knowledge (2005- ) on Developing the dynamic boundaries of living standards of judgement in educational enquiries of the kind, 'How do I improve what I am doing?' Click here. Jean will be updating us on the publication schedule for 2005 and her hopes for her visit to South Africa in February. Moira is flying back to the UK this weekend and I'm hoping to hear from her on Monday. 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 20 December 2004 The celebratory conversation to mark the end of 2004 will include a focus on the possibility of establishing a loving flow of life-affirming energy as a living educational standard of judgement. For more details of the Monday evening conversation Click here Jane has drafted some ideas on teachers' stories for the English Language GazettehereMoira has sent in her story on, 'How can I help to promote educational sustainability at our AR Centre and beyond?' A draft interim-report by Dr. Moira Laidlaw, December 2004. China's Experimental Centre for Educational Action Research in Foreign Languages Teaching, Guyuan Teachers College, Guyuan 756000, Ningxia Province, P.R. China. This does seem to provide very strong support for Jane's paperclick here For Je Kan's BERA 2004 paper, at Education-line paper, on: You are a stranger among us: exclusional and inclusional practice in research communities Click here For Paulus''s BERA 2004 paper, at Education-line paper, on: Speaking in a Chain of Voices ~ crafting a story of how I am contributing to the creation of my postcolonial living educational theory through a self study of my practice as a scholar-educator Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 13 December 2004 James Payn has agreed to share the story board he used for his opening address to the Celebratory Conference of the Networked Learning Community programme at the National Centre for School Leadership on the 7th December 2004, with details of his archiving of video clips from his classroom with his pupils on his apple-mac. Whitehead, J. & McNiff, J. (2004) Ontological, epistemological and methodological commitments in practitioner-research. Retrieved on 9th December 2004 from http://www.leeds.ac.uk/educol/documents/00003800.htm Whitehead, J. (2004) Do the values and living logics I express in my educational relationships carry the hope of Ubuntu for the future of humanity? Retrieved on 9th December 2004 from http://www.leeds.ac.uk/educol/documents/00003801.htm 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 6 December 2004 Alan Rayner - Welcome to the Common Space - Where All Really Is Flow - Draft Chapter Two of Alan's new book Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 22 November 2004 James Payn - I have had such a good year. Click here Prologue to Eleanor Lohr's Thesis, Love at Work, submitted November 2004 Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 15 November 2004 Mark Williams' ideas on VisionPlace Click here Jack Whitehead's draft paper on: Influences of Educational Action Research in the Internationalisation of Educational Development. How can we create collaborative and inclusional living educational theories at China's Experimental Centre for Educational Action Research in Foreign Languages Teaching? Click here 16 September at BERA 04 Symposium in Manchester on - How Are We Contributing To A New Scholarship Of Educational Enquiry Through Our Pedagogisation Of Postcolonial Living Educational Theories In The Academy? With Paulus Murray - Rayal Agricultural College; Sarah Fletcher (withdrawn) ; Je Kan Adler-Collins - Fukuoka University; Jack Whitehead - University of Bath. Click here 17 September BERA 04 Symposium in Manchester on - Have We Created A New Epistemology For The New Scholarship Of Educational Enquiry Through Practitioner Research? Developing Sustainable Global Educational Networks Of Communication. With Jean McNiff, Caitriona McDonagh, Bernie Sullivan, Mairin Glenn - University of Limerick; Joan Whitehead, Bernie Fitzgerald - University of the West of England ; Marian Naidoo - National Institute for Mental Health England; Jack Whitehead - University of Bath. Click here The BERA Practitioner-Researcher Day at Bath, 19th June 2004 Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 14 June 2004 James Payn - Enquiry Advocate for Network Learning Bath on Why Do I Teach? Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 24 May 2004 Alon Serper - Now, the sixty-four thousand dollar question that everything in the last decade as far as my academic work goes back to is how do I turn my composition and life/living reflective and descriptive journal into a clear doctorate thesis of human existence that can stand critical standards of judgement of rigour, analysis, public use and interest and can contribute towards my declared goal of establishing a clear, integrative model of human existence dedicated completely to the accommodation of the human subject? Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 19 April 2004 Jill Burton, Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics, School of Education, University of South Australia, 'How did I get here? Can we talk about this?' Click here 16 April 2004 AERA Symposium in San Diego on, The transformative potential of individuals' collaborative self-studies for sustainable global educational networks of communication with contributions from: Catriona McDonagh, Bernie Sullivan and Jean McNiff from the University of Limerick;ÊJoan Whitehead and Bernie Fitzgerald from the University of the West of England; from Cheryl Black and Jackie Delong from the Grand Erie District School Board; Jack Whitehead of the University of Bath and from Maggie Farren of Dublin City University. Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 8 March 2004 Ruth Deakin Crick's contribution on Relationships As a Foundation for Learning Power Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 23 Feb. 2004 Joan Walton's contributions: A) Finding Peace: Harmonising internal and External Worlds. Click here B) My Spiritual Journey C) Participation in ESRC seminar on Spirituality Click here Action Research Implemented in The Grand Erie District School Board: Impact on Teacher Development, Improvement and the Support System Jacqueline Delong's Keynote Address to be presented to the Japanese Association of Educators for Human Development on the 29th February 2004. Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 9 Feb. 2004 Moira Laidlaw's presentation on - A Description of my Logic. Draft paper, Moira Laidlaw, February 2004 China's Experimental Centre for Educational Action Research in Foreign Languages Teaching, Guyuan Teachers College, Ningxia. 756000 Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 2 Feb. 2004 Tim Small's reflections on an Encounter with a Spiritual Master Click here Ceri William's paper on Thoughts on the Portability and Integration of Knowledge Click here Marian Naidoo's paper on Thoughts on Living Dialectics. Click here Alan Rayner's thoughts on Inclusionality. Click here 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 26 Jan. 2004 Jack's multi-media contribution for the conversation on the 26th January Is this a valid explanation of my use of inclusional, dialectical and propositional logics in my living theory of my educational influence in my learning, in the learning of others and in the learning of social formations? Do my values carry the hope of Ubuntu for the future of humanity? 5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 17 Nov. 2003 Jack's paper/response to the conversation on the 12th November for the meeting on the 17th is on Ubuntu, the loving eye of an ecological feminism, post-colonial practice and influencing the education of social formations
5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 3 Nov. 2003 I'd like to begin this session by drawing your attention to the latest letter from China by Moira Laidlaw. It is about last weekend's action research conference (1-2 Nov, 2003) with colleagues from Guyuan Teachers College, the Langdong Institute and the Haiyuan middle school. Because we wanted to spend some more time browsing through Tim Small's webpages we said that we would do this near the beginning of the session. We are continuing with our conversation on inclusional ways
of being with Alan Rayner and will video this part of the conversation.
Eden Charles has been working in several African and Far Eastearn Countries
and I've a brief clip of Eden talking about his visit to Sierra Leone.
I think you might like to relate Eden's points to Tim Murithi's paper
on 'Practical
Peacemaking Wisdom from Africa:
5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 Monday 5th May 2003. Last week I felt the influence of our conversations in so
many different parts of the world. Jean, Jackie and Cheryl were in Chicago
at the American Educational Research Association (Jackie and Cheryl then
went on to the International Conference of Teacher Research). Je Kan is
in his new flat in Japan and is making progress in developing a curriculum
for the healing nurse in Fukuoka University. Moira resisted the pressure
to leave China because of SARS and continues her work with staff and students
at For this coming Monday's conversation I've put some writings
from Ceri Alan is giving a lecture tomorrow (1st May) on Rationality
and Inclusionality - The "Outs" and "Ins" of Biological
and Other Science, for a psychology course on culture and belief. His
summary includes: "This loving feeling of 'inclusionality' or 'spatial
togetherness' transforms our understanding of the nature of self, as having
both local and non-local aspects, and so enables us to move from the logic
of one or other to the logic of one with other." Paulus has written a paper, following last Monday's conversation
on: "Iraq, Utter Humiliation and Hypocrisy: A reflective contribution
to the Practice of Co-Enquiring in the Bath University Educational ActionResearch
Community" You can download this from http://www.actionresearch.net/monday/pmIraq.doc Love Jack. |