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chapter 5

Managing Transitions: Cheryl Black

When I first began this process, I was apprehensive as to whether I could finish. A number of people have supported me throughout.

To Julie White and Marion Kline, members of the Grand Erie/Brock cohort, thank you for being out there to listen, reassure, and push

To Rodger Beatty, thanks for the chat in 'musicianese' which spurred my writing.

To all the people on these pages, thank you for being notes in my symphony of life.

To Jackie Delong, thank you for seeing potential, for supporting my process, for having the foresight to negotiate this partnership, and for being my friend and research partner.

To Heather Knill-Griesser, thank you for being my friend--critical and otherwise--and sharing stories and frustrations over glass after glass of red wine.

To Mom and Dad, thanks for giving me something worth writing about.

To Jay, thank you for being my sounding board, my partner, and my rock. Your insight has made all the difference.

And especially to Jazz, thank you for sitting or lying beside me during every minute of writing and reading that I did. Whenever I began to slow down, that nose would bounce up under my hand to remind me that you were there.



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