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How can I use "Math Buddies" to improve the problem-solving skills of my students?
An inquiry into the effects of Math Buddies as a part of a regular math program.

Robin Long

Robin Long


As a seasoned veteran of the work force, I decided in 1992 that it was time to follow my passion for teaching. I have always had a desire to teach, but somehow life's obstacles kept getting in the way. After graduating from Niagara University with a Masters of Science in Elementary Education in 1996, I diligently pursued employment with the newly formed Grand Erie District School Board.

After teaching in several long term occasional positions, and a short time teaching at Port Dover Public School and St. Williams Public School, I finally moved into a full time Grade 2/3 classroom, at Port Rowan Public School in the fall of 2001. This was a year for many changes in the Port Rowan school community. St. Williams, Walsingham and Port Rowan were becoming one school community. My introduction to teaching was confusing at best, but I loved the challenge.

My early experiences in the primary division and my strong desire to improve student learning has led me to ask many questions in the areas of both math and language.


As a new teacher, and very unfamiliar to the concept of action research, formulating a question was most challenging. My question has changed many times since I initially decided to conduct this research. I think it is important to understand my thought process prior to my actually introducing you to my research question.

Becoming a seasoned combined grade teacher was not my life goal as a teacher. I envisioned myself bouncing from one side of the classroom to the other, trying to ensure that all students were working on their assigned tasks. All the while, I kept trying to keep firmly implanted in my mind, the intended expectations that each of the grade levels was to be achieving. THIS DROVE ME CRAZY! I decided that there must be a more effective way to teach a combined grade. More important, there must be a more student-oriented program that could address the individual needs of each set of learners. I needed to look at the overall picture, keeping in mind a couple of goals:

  1. I wanted to maintain consistent assessment tools among both grades.
  2. I wanted to use one theme to accomplish many expectations through integration across the curriculum.
  3. I wanted to provide my student with the necessary strategies essential for becoming good problem solvers.

My initiation into combined grade teaching was during my first year at Port Rowan. I quickly realized that this experience was going to be very different from my experiences teaching in a solid grade during my practice teaching. The diversity of learners and the time of year made it virtually impossible to make any drastic changes. It did, however, present me with a very clear question, that being; "What could I do to address the learning needs for students in both grades?" As I pondered this question, it became very clear that I needed to find some commonalities between the two grades that I was teaching. For the purpose of this research, I focused my attention to the area of mathematics.

During the summer of 2002, I was determined to plan and implement a math program that would address the individual needs of my grade two and three students. Rather than looking at the unending number of expectations that were to be addressed from the Ontario Curriculum, I decided to pinpoint the components of a good math program.

I initially sectioned my planning into the four areas of learning. These areas were clearly outlined in the Ontario Curriculum. I rearranged the components in an order that best fit my teaching style. These components were:

  • Understanding key concepts
  • Application of mathematical procedures
  • Problem Solving
  • Communication of required knowledge.

Once I had a clear framework, I needed to look at the curriculum to see if there were any connections between the two sets of expectations. I knew that there was no possible way that I could cover the number of expectations that were outlined in the current documents. As I filtered through the five strands of math, I was very relieved, and pleased, to find that many connections existed between the grade two and the grade three curriculum. This knowledge just reinforced my belief that a unified program could be implemented and would produce success for both sets of learners if culminating tasks targeted each specific grade.

So, the next step for me was to devise and adopt effective pedagogy that would cover the necessary math expectations for this specific group of students. Once again, I reverted back to those learning needs mentioned before.

During my second year of teaching, I used my knowledge of the essential components outlined in the Ministry Document and the specific strands of math to design very task-specific, theme-related jobs. As an organizational tool, I designed a thematic template to keep track of the levels of achievement and the strands that I was targeting. For each thematic unit, I planned specific jobs that were oriented to not only these achievement levels, but their corresponding math strand. Although my planning was clear to me, implementation of the theme jobs , with these kinds of goals, was confusing at best (not just for me but for the students to.)

I wanted to know why this wasn't working. I thought that if I gave the students concrete materials to use for specific tasks, and very specific targets; they should gain the conceptual knowledge necessary for achievement. However, it didn't work out that way. According to my teaching journal, I noted that students often were found wandering from task to task without finalizing anything. Other notes indicated that children were constantly stating, "I don't know what to do." I had followed the common schema for gradual release (Model-Share-Guide-Independent). Once again, I needed to rethink my practices.

In the fall of 2002, I decided to turn to current research and practices for teaching math. I wanted to know how other teachers were teaching math and what was important to teach them. I came across a book titled, Helping Children Learn Math. It was through this material that I was finally able to formulate my question. "Can children of combined classes become good problem solvers if they are given a fixed framework with which to practice problem solving skills?"

This reading material confirmed that my goals were realistic. However, the authors offered teachers a more constructive achievement paradigm. Kilpatrick and Swafford, 2002 guidelines were as follows;

  • Understanding: Comprehending mathematical concepts, operations, and relationships -- knowing what mathematical symbols, diagrams, and procedures mean.
  • Computing: Carrying out mathematical procedures, such as adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing numbers flexibly, accurately, efficiently and appropriately.
  • Applying: being able to formulate problems mathematically and to devise strategies for solving them using concepts and procedure appropriately.
  • Reasoning: Using logic to explain and justify a solution to a problem or to extend from something known to something not yet known.
  • Engaging: Seeing mathematics as sensible, useful, and doable-- if you work at it -- and being able to do the work.

I quickly realized that this was exactly how I wanted to teach my students math. After a careful comparison, I realized that these goals were very similar to the criteria that I had been using the previous year. However, there were clearer guidelines for student learning and teacher planning. I set out to design a math program that would embrace these five areas.

I began to work with another teacher on staff to provide a mentoring type program that would allow students opportunity to experience hands on learning. I knew, through my past experiences with "Reading Buddies", that this type of tutoring gave children the necessary confidence to succeed. I believed that similar results would occur in a "Math Buddy" situation.

Children would learn concepts through the Model stage of gradual release. They would then have opportunity to be guided by their mentors through these same concepts. During specific timetable slots, children would be given occasions to share their learning prior to performing their independent tasks.

The road to math mentoring was a rough one. The older students often viewed it as one more additional responsibility. One of their first responses was, "Why do we have to teach these kids. That's your job!" It took many weeks to help the older students to realize that they were affecting how their younger counterparts viewed themselves as math learners.

At this point I needed to back track a little. I set up a time slot to go into the Grade 8 classroom to address some concerns that were present:

  • What skills had their buddies developed?
  • What was expected of them as a mentor? and
  • What were they going to gain from this experience?

During each session, I planned activities that incorporated Kilpatrick and Swafford's learning needs. At the end of each session, both groups of students were expected to record a journal entry that reflected on their individual ability to understand, apply, compute, reason and engage in the given task. Each guided task was assessed in the following areas:

  1. Neatness
  2. Meeting the established expectations
  3. Use of mathematics and mathematical terms.

Did Students Meet Intended Objectives of this research project?

The onset of this research project was very difficult. There were many challenges to our getting started. Cooperation between the two groups seemed to be the first obstacle.

It was now time for them to attempt their second task.

I found the best way to depict what was occurring during a mentoring session was to keep a photo journal. What follows is an excerpt from my journal.

The second task consisted of both students working cooperatively to design a game board for the theme Endangered Species.

Students were given a very clear outline of mathematical expectations for this project. I was able to observe that students were working more cooperatively through this task.

Students discussed many options for accomplishing the task. They were discussing who would do what part of the project. I observed students discussing the size of the board that criteria had outlined.

discussion counter using their fingers

One portion of the criterion for this task was to generate math facts to 18.

Eventually, they were able to compile a list.

Students became involved in:

computing reasoning applying amd engaging

Students worked through each component until they were complete. As they were completed they were incorporated into the duo's plan. When the plans were complete they were asked to submit it for approval.

The planning phase seemed to take forever. The students cooperatively made decisions regarding the specifics for their game board.

Finishing the Project

Students divided up the responsibilities for building their game board mostly based on their individual abilities.

finishing finishing finishing finishing

Most projects were completed neatly, while meeting most of the criteria for the project. Students were required to write a journal entry at each point thus far. I noticed that the younger students were finding the math in each task, while the older students focused their entries on the behaviours and attitudes of their younger counterparts. I felt that neither group was communicating their thoughts effectively in their math journals.

journal samples
journal sample 1 journal sample 2


At this point, I have noticed only marginal improvement in how the younger students respond to the various math activities. The older students have stuck strictly to guiding their buddies rather than giving them the correct answers. Their attitude toward the mentoring program is slowly changing but they still view "Buddies" as a waste of time.

Older counter parts still look at the task instead of the math that exists in each task. Primary students are encouraged daily to look for math in all activities that occur within the classroom walls. In fact, they taught their older counterparts how to do this before beginning each task assigned this year. Hopefully, as these students get older, they will perfect this skill especially as it applies to daily living.

I decided that one way we could improve the student's ability to respond to each task was to first compile a "think pad" of words that could be used during their math communication.

As I examined the grade 2/3 problem solver books, I discovered that they were beginning to solve problems using a larger variety of strategies (i.e. drawing a picture, creating organized lists.) Also, students were beginning to use their computational skills accurately.

Final Thoughts

When asked if I would carry through with this as a part of my math program next year, I said definitely "yes."

We have seen many social benefits to this study thus far, we are not clearly convinced that it was the sole influence to observed improvement, however we did see changes occurring in:

  • the strategies children used to solve problems
  • accuracy of computations
  • involvement in math related activities
  • ability to communicate mathematically

Both teachers that were involved have agreed that some minor changes needed to be made to how the program is run. The following are some of the changes:

  1. Clearer modelling for math journals needs to occur.
  2. I need to use think pads to generate specific information that we are expecting to see in the journals.
  3. Larger time blocks should be given for this task-oriented program.
  4. The program should benefit both sets of learners so that it is not viewed as a waste of time.

I plan to carry this research into the new school year, making the necessary changes, because I believe that this is an essential framework with which children can become good problem solvers.


Kilpatrick, J. and Swafford, J., (2002). Helping Children Learn Math. National research Council Mathematics Study Committee.

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