How do I Evolve Living-Educational-Theory Praxis in Living-boundaries?

Abstract of PhD Submission to the University of Bath, 2012
Marie Huxtable.

My educational practice is concerned with enhancing children and young persons' abilities to learn to live a loving, satisfying, productive and worthwhile life, for themselves and others. This thesis offers an original contribution to knowledge as a multimedia narrative. It communicates my ontological values of a loving recognition, respectful connectedness and educational responsibility, and social values of an inclusive, emancipating and egalitarian society. I clarify meanings of my values, as they emerge within living-boundaries through the evolution of my living-theory praxis, to form explanatory principles and living standards of judgment in my claim to know my practice.

Working as a senior educational psychologist responsible for implementing policy on high ability learning, I experienced the following concerns: Practice, theory and research often appeared to lose connection with the purpose of education; Theory and practice appeared to be developed independently, and without explanation or evaluation related to values of education; Those involved with education appeared to be in discrete worlds, each vying to exert their hegemony over the totalising development of educational theory, practice and provision.

Emerging from my research I offer four original ideas:

1) Living-Educational-Theory praxis, highlighting the fundamental importance of educators creating 'values-based explanation of their educational influences in learning' (Whitehead, 1989a), as they research to develop praxis within living-boundaries.

2) Living-boundaries as co-creative space within which energy-flowing values can be clarified and communicated.

3) Inclusive gifted and talented education developed from an educational perspective, which enables each learner to develop and offer talents, expertise and knowledge as life-affirming and life-enhancing gifts. The knowledge is that created of the world, of self, and self in and of the world.

4) Living-Theory TASC, a relationally-dynamic and multidimensional approach to research and developing praxis, which integrates Living-Theory (Whitehead, 1989a) with Thinking Actively in a Social Context (TASC) (Wallace and Adams, 1993).

You can download the PhD in the following parts in PDF format

Frontpage (1); Contents (2); List of Videos (5-10); List of Figures (11-12); List of Appendices (13); Acknowledgements (14); Abstract (15); Abbreviations (16) pages1-16

preamble pages 17-19

CHAPTER ONE: Introduction pages 20-50

CHAPTER TWO: Living-Educational-Theory praxis pages 51-85

CHAPTER THREE: Clarification of my ontological and social values in living boundaries pages 86-118

CHAPTER FOUR: My living-educational-theory praxis pages 119-154

CHAPTER FIVE: The development of inclusive gifted and talented education from an educational perspective pages 155-190

CHAPTER SIX: A creative use of multimedia narratives in researching the meanings of values in living-boundaries and developing generative and transformational forms of educational evaluation and accountability pages 191-221

CHAPTER SEVEN: Living-Theory TASC: A relationally-dynamic and multidimensional approach to research and developing praxis pages 222-241

CHAPTER EIGHT: What have I learned and what now? pages 242- 252

REFERENCES pages 253-267

APPENDIX 1 pages 268-270

You can download all of the contents of the PhD in PDF format by clicking here. It is a 3 Mb file and will take some time to download with broadband