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Jackie Delong, Cheryl Black and Heather Knill-Griesser

Jackie Delong Cheryl Black Heather Knill-Griesser

Jackie Delong

Cheryl Black

Heather Knill-Griesser

We are pleased to share the research of the teachers and program support staff conducted during the 2002-3 school year in the Grand Erie District School Board. This third volume of Passion In Professional Practice follows in the tradition of the two earlier volumes where we have published the work of teacher researchers with various levels of experience in research. Most of the practitioner researchers are involved in their first research project but several are conducting their second and third research projects. It is very encouraging to hear the growing confidence of the teachers in what they know.

The quality and sophistication has increased tremendously from our early beginnings in 1995. It is important to note that all of these researchers have at least five days of release from their classroom duties to work with a facilitated support group to learn the action research process and share their data collection and analysis.

For the first time in the body of research, we have a large group of researchers investigating Special Education questions, particularly questions about Autism. Educational Consultant, Diane Morgan, facilitated the Special Education group. In addition, there are a variety of questions around curriculum and assessment. The monetary support for this research came from The Educational Change Fund.

Sharing our knowledge is important for making ourselves accountable for our claims to knowing as well as for building the knowledge base. Many of these researchers have shared their learning in workshops at Professional Development Days, Summer Institutes and at the Ontario Educational Research Council Conference in Brantford on November 28, 2003.

In the publication of the research there is a commitment to our colleagues both locally and globally to create new knowledge. We believe that we are building the evidential base of teaching and learning through the experiences and the voices of the person best situated to improve student learning. These practitioners speak with passion and with knowledge about how they know that they are making improvements with the students in their classrooms.

We want to thank our amazing teacher researchers, the staff who supported them, Geoff Suderman-Gladwell for managing the actual publication process and Peter Moffatt, Director of Education for his long term commitment and support for classroom research. We hope you enjoy sharing our passion in professional practice.

Jackie Delong
Cheryl Black
Heather Knill-Griesser

The Editors

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