Later in the year I implemented Patricia Cunningham's Systematic Sequential Phonics They Use program. I purchased magnetic cookie sheets for my students and used laminated, magnetized letters to help them build words and increase their word knowledge. I used an excellent video from the Bureau of Education and Research called " Making Words Strategies" to learn how to set up this part of my program.
About every two weeks I taught the class a new phonics rule. I let the parents know what I was teaching by sending home newsletters and asked them to talk about this new learning at home when their child was reading aloud. I always taught phonics in context and tried to avoid the work sheet method to reinforce learning. For example, I taught the "ar" sound when the students were reading Arthur books by Marc Brown.
I started each day with a morning message, written on my wipe off board. I used these brief, welcoming messages to teach a lot of reading strategies and rules. Often I had the children help me write these messages and used what they already knew to build on new learning. I used poems, songs and chants related to my current theme to teach reading rules and strategies as well.
I posted a large sign in the classroom called "What Do I Do if I Can't Read the Word?" Listed on this chart were strategies the children could try to figure out an unknown word. I systematically taught these strategies until the students could be heard coaching each other during reading time. I often heard comments like, "You can do it. Try again. It's got to make sense."
Throughout the month of September, my students learned my expectations for classroom reading instruction. I set up a rotation schedule so that I could meet with each of my four reading groups every day to hear each child read. These groups changed throughout the year based on the needs of the pupils. The children had an opportunity to silent read for one of these rotations and the other two activities they rotated through might be related to spelling, printing, math, story writing, art, science or a reading seat work activity. I used pictures to remind each group of the different tasks to be completed each day. As the activities changed, so did the pictures.
I used the gradual release of responsibility model to teach the children what to do. Whenever I tried to cut corners in modelling for the children, my instruction suffered. It took some time for them to learn to work quietly and independently enough so that I could concentrate on my guided reading groups. The students were highly motivated and willing to work hard. They learned to help each other when I couldn't be available to help.
In September, I attended my first Simcoe Action Research Network (SART) , session led by Paula Sue Rasokas. I felt very comfortable asking questions and found it interesting to listen to what other teachers were doing for their research projects. I found it encouraging to meet other colleagues who were striving to learn from their teaching strategies. I left the meeting feeling reenergized and empowered. I continued to attend these meetings throughout the year.
Also during the month of September, Jackie Delong came for lunch at my school. I met John Bryant, my new superintendent as well. Jackie took the time to ask how my research was going and came to my classroom. She asked me what I hoped to accomplish throughout the year and encouraged me to attend the Action Research Conference in December in Brantford.
At the same time, the staff of Teeterville Public School had received the Educational Change Funding to implement guided reading K-Gr.6. Our librarian, Donna Hudson, compiled a master list of all the multiple copies of books in the school. With the help of parents and teachers she began setting up the multiple copy Literacy Room. This room was very helpful for me because I was able to find books at any level I wanted to meet the needs of all the pupils in my class. Joan Fallis compiled a list of all the big books in the school to facilitate sharing of resources.
As a primary division, the teachers decided that we wanted to prepare units to go with the multiple copy books. The six primary teachers decided to write four units each to be compiled in a binder for the Literacy Room. Our Resource teacher, Lori Rodgers, was asked to contribute units to support the books she was using with her students in the resource room. We also decided to share our testing resources and keep a binder in the literacy room with samples of the tests we used with our students. Christie Bradacs, the Grade 2/3 teacher, developed a computer template for us to use to publish our units. Throughout the year we tried our newly created units in our classrooms with great success. As a division we met regularly to share ideas for guided reading and working with words.
Data Collection and Analysis
I had never used a journal before to record insights about my teaching. I found it to be a very useful tool. It helped me to remember key things I noticed in my research and reminded me to write down what people said before I forgot. It helped me to formulate what I wanted to try next and where my teaching was going. It made me realize what was working well and what wasn't. Using a journal helped me to remember people I could call upon to support me when I was feeling discouraged. I also used it to make note of resources.
I began to take digital photos of the students in action. I thinks it's really true that a picture is worth a thousand words. I've taken these pictures to several of the teachers within my networking system to share with them and give them ideas. I shared a few of them when I presented at the November P.D. day. I shared these photos on my school web page and in newsletters sent to parents.
I purchased an audiotape for each of my students and several times throughout the year I asked each child to read on tape. This gave the children and myself another example of their reading growth as the year passed. I also videotaped a few of my guided reading lessons to help me observe how I presented reading material to my pupils and to watch their responses to my teaching strategies. At first I found this somewhat intimidating, but came to view this as another useful tool.
My principal gave me an extra prep period a cycle to use for research purposes. This helped me to keep up with my record keeping and reflection. I did a lot of professional reading to help me with my research. A quote from the book Conversations by Regie Routman expresses what I tried to do throughout the year:
"Being an effective teacher is not about having the right program and activities in place. Effective teachers lay a foundation of the basics and integrate a variety of approaches while being constantly responsive to the students they are teaching."
I kept an assessment package for each child which was updated once a term. Children kept work samples related to reading in their personal portfolios. I kept a tracking page for each student with a list of the books they had read and their corresponding level. After a child had read six to eight books at a certain level, I used a running record to find out if the child was ready to move onto the next level. Running records were also kept in each child's package.
I made a planning sheet each week for what I wanted to accomplish with each guided reading group and the other activities I wanted them to accomplish during my daily reading time. I found that several of my students hit a learning plateau as they practised new skills (see November results in Appendix 1). I didn't see steady, constant improvement. There were spurts of growth at times and some students actually regressed as "learned embeddedness"(First Steps, 1994) was occurring. I thought back to my First Steps training and remembered a concept called PEWIT. PEWIT teaches that everyone has a working memory. When we are learning something new our working memory becomes overloaded and we tend to regress. I needed to give the students lots of time to practise the new skills and spend a lot of time on comprehension strategies . Initially I found I had to do a lot of prompting for the pupils to put what I had taught into practice. Independence came later with heightened self esteem, risk taking and learned skills. More and more students were becoming competent enough to really get into a story and gain the desire to read more and more. The motivation to read was switching from me presenting materials during guided reading lessons to students choosing to read throughout the school day without my involvement.
Guided Reading really promotes comprehension development. At the beginning of each guided reading lesson, I spent time introducing the text by doing a picture walk through the book, introducing unknown words, asking the children to share what they knew about the book topic etc. I used the book Strategies That Work to help me build comprehension with my students. Before reading activities and during reading activities were emphasized more than after reading activities. Because the child is reading at a suitable level of difficulty he/she doesn't lose interest and doesn't become frustrated.
Meeting Jack Whitehead, University of Bath, in person also helped me to take a good look at how my research was progressing. Jack stressed being able to support my claims about my research. He also said that the quality of my relationship with my students was just as important an influence on their progress as the strategies I was using to teach. This is something I've always believed but it was great to hear it voiced in a research setting.
In June I completed DRA assessments with my pupils. As a primary staff each teacher prepared a one page summary of the all diagnostic test scores for all the students in her class. This summary was passed on to the teacher who would have these students during the next school year. I sent a letter to parents asking for their input about my reading program. Included below are some of their responses:
"Lisa has come a long way with her reading in the past school year with lots of support and help at school and extra reading at home. She has been able to gain more confidence in reading."
"Hayden's interest in books has greatly expanded. At the beginning of the year he had to be convinced that he could read. He would hesitate with each word and found no great joy in his accomplishments. Frustration was almost forcing him to stop reading. Hayden has made great strides since September. He enjoys reading out loud to us(including his brother and sister). His comprehension is good. He now adds expression to his voice and when he comes across an unknown word, he can use strategies to figure it out."
"Caitie's reading has improved greatly. She uses the strategies she has beentaught on any word she doesn't know. When she reads aloud to me it is much smoother and she tries to use the correct expression the author tries to convey. She shows interest in chapter books and likes to read on her own and aloud to me. She has started to read without prompting."
"A definite improvement! The level of books he reads is more difficult. He seems to understand stories better...He read all his birthday cards this year before he opened his presents. This was very impressive."
Appendix 1 -- Dolch Sight Reading Scores
Appendix 2 -- Parent Survey
Appendix 3 -- Permission Form to video, take photos and display work
Utilizing end of the year Dolch Sight Word testing(Appendix 1), I found students improved on average by 100 words from September until May. One of my students was able to read 3 words as he was working on learning English. Taking into account that I wanted my Grade Two students to not only be able to read all the Grade One and Two sight words but the Grade Three words as well, I was pleased with their achievements.
On the Slosson Oral Reading Test students improved on average 2.1 years. Instead of 16 students reading below grade level, as shown at the beginning of the school year, only 5 students were not yet scoring at a grade level 3.0 or above. Of the five students not yet reading at grade level, 4 out of the 5 demonstrated an increase of at least one year and six months of reading improvement. The other student in this group of five was my E.S.L. student, who was beginning to learn the alphabet. Using the ten minute word test, the majority of students did not make significant gains. However, the students became proficient at using sight words and word families correctly in all aspects of their written work.
Conclusion and Next Steps
I feel confident that my research improved my students' reading ability. Not only that, it improved my teaching practices. My diagnostic testing showed that all of my students made gains, both in reading skills and comprehension. My observation showed me that each child's attitude toward reading was a positive one. I feel teaching children to read is one of my greatest joys. I am proud that I introduced my pupils to many wonderful authors and fantastic stories, through my use of quality fiction and non-fiction. I hope as my students leave my classroom they will remember all the wonderful books we shared together and that I have set them on the path to becoming lifelong readers who cherish the value of a good book.
I will continue to refine my methods for using guided reading in my classroom and continue to share what I learned and what worked for me with my colleagues. I don't feel guided reading is something that can be perfected in just a year, but needs to be continued as I grow as a professional. I am a firm believer that these methods are successful for teaching reading.
I will also continue to engage Action Research. It has been too worthwhile to do only once and I have lots of other ideas to explore!
Calkins, Lucy McCormick. (2001). The Art of Teaching Reading. New York: Addison-Wesley
Delong, J.(ed). (2001). Passion in Professional Practice, Brantford: Grand Erie District School Board.
Education Department of Western Australia. (1994). First Steps: Reading Resource Book. Melbourne: Addison-Wesley.
Fountas, Irene and Pinnell, Gay Sue. (1996). Guided Reading: Good First Teaching for all Children. Portsmouth NH: Heineman.
Grand Erie District School Board. (2002). Strategies for Early Literacy. Brantford.
Harvey, Stephanie and Goudvis, Anne. (2000). Strategies That Work. Maine:Stenhouse Publishers.
McNiff, Jean. (1998). Action Research for Professional Development. Mississauga: Ontario Public School Teachers' Federation.
Routman. Regie. (2000). Conversations. Portsmouth NH: Heineman.
Schulman, Mary Browning and Payne, Carleen DaCruz. (2000). Guided Reading: Making it Work. New York: Scholastic.
Taberski, Sharon. (2000). On Solid Ground. Portsmouth NH: Heineman.