Jack Whitehead 'Using a Living Educational Theory Research approach to Enhance Community Based Educational Research (COMBER)' 1st June 2022 to a COMBER General Meeting.

Jack Whitehead 'How can educational influences in learning be explained with insights from the disciplines of education? A paper presented at the 2022 ATEE Conference, 25-27 May at the Marino Institute of Education in Dublin.

Jacqueline Delong, Jack Whitehead, Parbati Dhungana, Michelle Vaughan and Swaroop Rawal. Cultivating Equitable Education Systems for the 21st Century in global contexts through Living Educational Theory Cultures of Educational Inquiry. Successful proposal for a session presentation at the April 2022 Conference of the American Educational Research Association on Cultivating Equitable Education Systems for the 21st Century, in San Diego, California.

Marie Huxtable's and Jack Whitehead's presentation on, How can the living-educational-theories of Teacher Educators promote teaching and learning for an inclusive, interconnected world?, to the ATEE 2022 Winter Conference, Sestri Levante, Italy 20-22 April 2022 on Teaching and learning for an inclusive, interconnected world.

Jack Whitehead's and Marie Huxtable's presentation on, "Why a focus on 'What is educational?' matters so much in reconstructing education?", to the Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) Conference on the 8th April 2022.

Critical Reflection in Educational Practice. Jack Whitehead's presentation to the Network Educational Action Research Ireland (NEARI) Meeting of the 2nd April 2022.

Jack Whitehead's contribution to the webinar on 'Improving your practice through action and Living Educational Theory Research', 9th February 2022, University of Malaysia's Teaching and Learning Centre.

Marie Huxtable's and Jack Whitehead's presentation on 'Using a Living Educational Theory Research Approach to Professional Learning and Education to Amplify Marginalised Voices', to the International Professional Development Association Conference on the 26th November 2021, with the theme, ‘Marginalised voices in contemporary times: addressing inequities through professional learning and education.’

Jack Whitehead's presentation on 'Using Living Educational Theory Research to Address Inequities Through Professional Learning and Education: Amplifying marginalised voices in contemporary times', to the International Professional Development Association Conference on the 25th November 2021, with the theme, ‘Marginalised voices in contemporary times: addressing inequities through professional learning and education.’

Marie Huxtable's and Jack Whitehead's Keynote for the BERA Research Methodology SIG event on Action Research - Research into Action on 24th November, 2021.

How could your living-educational-theories from your continuing professional development contribute to enhancing professionalism in education? Jack Whitehead's keynote to the Professional Development Service of Teachers (PDST) meeting of the 11th November 2021.

Symposium presentations on 10th April at the 2021 Conference of the American Educational Research Association on Accepting Responsibility with Jacqueline Delong (Canada), Jack Whitehead (UK), Shivani Mishra (India), Michelle Vaughan (USA) and Parbati Dhungana (Nepal).

Research and Practice in HE: Living Theory Workshop, Wednesday 03 November 2021, University of Cumbria, UK.

Living Theory action reflection planner


Living Educational Theory Research webinar, Durban University of Technology, 1st October 2021.

Jack Whitehead's successful proposal on "What makes 'educational research' educational in living global citizenship with educational responsibiity?", presented at the 2021 Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association on the 15th September 2021.

Jack Whitehead's presentation on 'Enhancing Professionalism in Education Through Living Educational Theory Research' on the 9th September 2021 to the Association of Teacher Education in Europe, Annual Conference.

Jack Whitehead's presentation on 'Teachers as educational professionals contributing their living-educational-theories to the creation of the future', at the SY.N.THE.SI. The Heuristic Teachers’ Society 2021 Conference on ‘An Outlook in the future: Education in 2030 and the role of the Teacher as a Professional.’ 11th September 2021.

Jack Whitehead's presentation on 'A global perspective on leadership in educational research', at the Conference on 'Global Perspectives: Educational Leadership' at the University of Worcester, UK on the 18 June 2021.

Jacqueline Delong's presentation on 'Mentoring for Co-Creating Knowledge in Living Educational Theory Cultures of Inquiry', at the 2021 Action Research Network of the America's (ARNA) Conference on the 18th June 2021 with the theme, ‘Co-creating Knowledge, Empowering Communities’.

Jack Whitehead's presentation on 'Co-Creating Knowledge, Empowering Communities Through Living Educational Theory Research', at the 2021 Action Research Network of the America's (ARNA) Conference on the 18th June 2021 with the theme, ‘Co-creating Knowledge, Empowering Communities’.

Jacqueline Delong's and Jack Whitehead's presentation on 'Educational Knowledge Creation, Preservation & Access In Living Educational Theory Cultures of Inquiry, Through Community Based Participatory Action Research', at the 2021 Action Research Network of the Americas (ARNA) Conference on the 18th June 2021 with the theme, ‘Co-creating Knowledge, Empowering Communities’.

Marie Huxtable's and Jack Whitehead's presentation on Enhancing your professionalism through Living Educational Theory research. Paper presentation for the online programme of the scientific colloquium for PhD Students with Branko Bognar on the 5th June 2021, in Croatia.

Jack Whitehead's keynote on 'Living Educational Theory Research and the teacher as a professional' to a webinar on 5th June 2021 organised by Sardar Patel University in India

Marie Huxtable's presentation to the 2021 ARNA Conference on the 4th June 2021 on 'The contributions of educational conversations to the flourishing of humanity'

Jack Whitehead's presentation on 'Generating living-educational-theories in enhancing evidence-based educational practitioner, pedagogic research'. Paper for the SOLSTICE/CLT Conference on the 2nd June 2021, 14:00-14:45, held virtually from Edge Hill University, UK.

Lightning Talk at the University of Cumbria on 19 May 2021 on 'A Living Educational Theory research approach to the professional development of educators and educational practitioners.'

Jack Whitehead's and Marie Huxtable's presentation on"Living Educational Theory Research for Sustainable Development' to participants in the Rupantaran Project to increase the quality relevance and sustainability of education in Nepal.

Huxtable, M. & Whitehead, J. (2021) 'Enhancing educational influences in learning with a Living Theory approach to Pedagogical Action Research in Higher Education.' Educational Action Research 29(2); 310-327.


Jack Whitehead's introduction to a Froebel Research Seminar at Maynooth University on the 14th April 2021.

Jack Whitehead's presentation on 'Making Connections with People, Purpose and Place through Living Educational Theory research' at the Educational Studies Association of Ireland, virtual conference 26 March 2021 with the theme, ‘Possibilities in Education: Reimagining connections with People, Purpose and Place.'

LIVING-THEORY-POSTERS of the 24 March 2021

Call for papers for the December 2021 issue of EJOLTS. Deadline for submission 6th June 2021

Virtual conference details on the role of teacher professionalism in creating the future on the 11th September 2021. '

Proposal form for the virtual conference on the role of teacher professionalism in creating the future, on the 11th September 2021.

Enhancing Professionalism with Living Educational Theory research. Jack Whitehead's Keynote slides for the first annual McGill School of Continuing Studies Conference on Action Research in Teaching, 22nd January 2021

Symposium on, ‘Post-professional Identities, ethics and response-ability beyond professional standards’, at the International Professional Development Association (IPDA) Virtual Conference on, ‘Imagining the post-professional: Identity, ethics and response-ability beyond professional standards.’ 28th November 2020.

Paper on The identity, ethics and response-ability of an educator with and beyond professional standards and with values of living-global-citizenship, human flourishing and Living Educational Theory research, at the International Professional Development Association (IPDA) Virtual Conference on, 'Imagining the post-professional: Identity, ethics and response-ability beyond professional standards.' 27th November 2020.

Jacqueline Delong's contribution on 'Raising Voices Using Dialogue As Research Method in Living Theory Cultures of Inquiry', to a 2020 CARN Conference on 'Raised Voices', 25th October 2020

Liz Campbell's contribution on 'Improving our world by raising the voices of action researchers through living-educational-theories', to a 2020 CARN Conference on 'Raised Voices', 25th October 2020.

Jack Whitehead's contribution on 'Improving our world by raising the voices of action researchers through living-educational-theories', to a 2020 CARN Conference on 'Raised Voices', 25th October 2020.

Peter Mellett's, Jack Whitehead's and Marie Huxtable's contribution to a Symposium on 'Educational action research conversations that contribute to the flourishing of humanity' at a 2020 CARN Conference on 'Raised Voices', 25th October 2020.

27th 2020 June Gathering on Living Educational Theory research.

Jack Whitehead speaking on 'A living educational theory approach to action research and pedagogical practice.' A Webinar on 'Action Research on Pandemic Pedagogy' in Malaysia on the 20th June 2020.

24:17 minute video of Jack Whitehead introducing Living Educational Theory research.

Connecting curriculum development, creativity and professional learning through Living Theory research. Jack Whitehead's presentation to the International Professional Development Association (IPDA) conference on 29-30 November 2019 at Aston University, Birmingham, UK.

A keynote presentation to the conference on ‘The teacher’s identity and job profile as a professional’ 08th November 2019 in the Melina Merkouri Hall, Athens. Organisers SY.N.TH.E.SI. : The Heuristic Teachers’ Society, Aegean University, Workshop of Psychology.

18 minute video of Jack Whitehead's TEDx talk on Living Educational Theory research at the University of Bolton on the 24 October 2019

Whitehead, J. (2018) Living Theory research as a way of life. Bath; Brown Dog Books

Homepage of The Educational Journal Of Living Theories (EJOLTS).

Open Reviewing, EJOLTS Teams and Community Space of The Educational Journal Of Living Theories.

LIVING-THEORY-POSTERS of the 10 May 2020

Values of the International Co-operative Alliance



Details of the Practitioner-Researcher 2016-19 e-seminar on JISCmail.

Join or Leave the 2016-19 Practitioner Researcher e-seminar on JISCmail.

Archives of the Practitioner-Researcher 2007-19 e-seminar on JISCmail.

Virtual Learning Space for 'Living Values, Improving Practice Co-operatively: Developing An International Action Research Continuing Professional Development Project'

The form for Joining or Leaving the Action Research Africa Network (ARAN) on JISCmail

The archives of the Action Research Africa Network (ARAN) on JISCmail

Margaret Wadsley's successful transfer report from MPhil. to PhD. programme at the Universities of Lancaster and Cumbria, November 2019.

Accepted proposals for CARN-ALARA 17-19 October 2019 Conference in Split, Croatia: 'Imagine Tomorrow: Practitioner Learning for the Future'

'What makes educational research educational?' Paper presented to BERA on 11 September 2019 at the University of Manchester

Proposals accepted for presentation at BERA 2019, 10-13 September 2019 in Manchester, UK

Conference on The Teacher’s Identity and Job Profile as a Professional - 3-4th October at the Aegean University in collaboration with the Transnational Interdisciplinary Society SY.N.TH.E.SI.: The Heuristic Teachers' Society

Individual, session and workshop Living Theory proposals and presentations at the 2019 Action Research Network of the America's Conference in Montreal, Quebec, 26-28 June on 'Contributing to Moving Action Research to Activism with Living Theory Research' and 'A hopeful and loving educational activism in living-theories for social transformation.'

To be covered in the programme for the 1 day Workshop on Participatory Action Research: A Living Theory approach on the 5th June 2019 at the Qualitative Research Summer School at Dublin City University.

Report on a Living Theory gathering in Bath on the 13th April 2019 with Live Streaming global participations

'Re-imagining Education through a new discipline of educational enquiry'. Successful individual proposal for presentation at the BERA event at the University of Worcester on 'Global Perspectives: Re-imagining Education' on the 20-21st June 2019.

'Global Living Theory Research on Re-imagining Education'. Successful joint proposal for presentation at the BERA event at the University of Worcester on 'Global Perspectives: Re-imagining Education' on the 21-22nd June 2019.

Jack Whitehead's presentation at the conference of the European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) on 'Dialogue between ontology and epistemology: New perspectives on theory and methodology in research on learning and education', 27 August 2018, Homerton College, Cambridge.

Notes to support Jack Whitehead's keynote to the 10th World Congress of ALARA on 18 June 2018 in Norwich University, Vermont, USA

Jack Whitehead's presentation on Evidence-based practice, pedagogic research at the SOLSTICE e-learning and CLT Conference at Edge Hill University on the 8th June 2018

Successful workshop proposals for the 2018 ALARA World Congress, June 17-20, Norwich University, Vermont, USA on Where do we go from here in contributing to ‘The Action Learning and Action Research Legacy for Transforming Social Change?’

Keynotes for the 2018 ALARA World Congress

Details of the 2018 ALARA World Congress, June 17-20, Norwich University, Vermont, USA.

Sponsorship of the 2018 ALARA World Congress

Whitehead, J. (2017) A Living Theory Approach To Changing Perspectives In Contemporary Teaching. Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE) Conference in Dobrovnik, Croatia, 23-25 October 2017

Principles of the World Social Forum

Adlerian Skype Research Group Questions (and Answers) about Living Theory Research arising from ASIIP UK Spring Conference 21-23rd April 2017

'How do I improve what I am doing in my professional practice?? Expert seminar with Jack Whitehead at Middlesex University, 10th April 2018

Participation and Democratization of Knowledge: Living Theory research for Reconciliation from ARNA 2015-ARNA 2017. A presentation at the 2017 Conference of the Action Research Network of the Americas 14th June 2017 in Cartagena, Colombia. Jack Whitehead, University of Cumbria, UK. Jacqueline Delong, Educational Consultant, Canada. Marie Huxtable, University of Cumbria, UK.

Contribute to the dialogues between participatory workshops from now until the 16th June 2017 at the Global Assembly

Pre-Global Assembly workshop on 'Living Theory Research in an Ecology of Knowledges' 12 June 2017, Cartagena, Columbia - Your 'Virtual' participation

Creating an online community of action researchers. Branko Bognar & Pascale Mompoint-Gaillard (Eds). Council of Europe, 2017.

'1st Global Assembly for Knowledge Democracy: - towards an ecology of knowledges', in Cartagena, Columbia, 16 June 2017

Action Research Network of the Americas Conference, in Cartagena, Columbia, 12-16 June 2017

Report on the CARN study day/Pre-conference participatory workshop on the 4th February, 2016, hosted by Rachael Burgess in Bath, for the ‘1st Global Assembly for Knowledge Democracy: towards an ecology of knowledges’ in Cartegena, Columbia on the 16th June 2017.

4th March 2017 meeting in Bath on Living Cooperative Values and Understandings Together.

Review article by Jack Whitehead and Ken Masters of Cairns, H. & Harney, I, B. (2014) Four Circles – Customs that are Law in an Aboriginal Cosmoscape: Justice, Mercy and survival in Bill Harney’s Imulun Wardaman Aboriginal Spiritual Law. (A Northern Australian People with their Intellectual World of Law in the Four Circles Tradition.) Published by Alan Mogridge of Excell Printing Group, Merimbula; Australia.

Living-theory-posters of 4th February 2017

Living-theory-posters of 8th May 2015

LIVING-THEORY-POSTERS of the 22 April 2017

18-20 February 2016, Conference information (submission deadline has passed) on Poverty, Globalization and Schooling: A Holistic Approach, University of Central Florida.

Notes for a presentation by Jack Whitehead to a meeting of NEARI in Dublin on the 16th January 2016 on Embracing the 'messiness' of action research in enhancing your educational influences in learning with the Network Educational Action Research Ireland (NEARI).

Notes for presentations by Jack Whitehead at Dublin City University on the 15th January 2016 on 'New Models of Digital Scholarship: How can the digital be used as a site of research and also as a channel for disseminating research on teaching?' Embracing the 'messiness' of action research in enhancing your educational influences in learning with the Network Educational Action Research Ireland (NEARI).

Shelagh Hetreed's tribute to Princess Campbell 1939-2015

The continuously updated webpage of the ACTION RESEARCH NETWORK OF THE AMERICAS (ARNA)

ALARA 9th Action Learning Action Research and 13th Participatory Action Research World Congress - Collaborative And Sustainable Learning For A Fairer World: Rhetoric or Reality? 4-7 November 2015, Pretoria, South Africa.

Developing the research potential of living-posters. A Workshop On Living Theory Research: Innovative Research Methods In Researching One’s Own Higher Education. Marie Huxtable and Jack Whitehead at the University of Cumbria 3 June 2015

Marie Huxtable and Jack Whitehead - How does Living Educational Theory research enable individuals to research into their higher education to improve it and contribute to educational knowledge? A presentation by Marie Huxtable at the BERA HE SIG on Researching into Higher Education: Innovative Research Methods on 8th May 2015 at the Institute of Education, London.

Jacqueline Delong's presentation on 'A pedagogy of loving into learning in living-cultures-of-inquiry' at the 2015 Action Research Network of the Americas Conference, Ontario Institute For Studies in Education, Toronto, Ontario, Canada on May 10.

Jack Whitehead's paper on 'How could Living Theory research contribute to the Action Research Network of the Americas?' for presentation at the 2015 ARNA conference on the 9th May in Toronto.

Successful Town Hall Meeting Proposal for 2015 Action Research Network of the Americas (ARNA) conference with the theme Joint Action - Learning with and from one another - 8-9 May in Toronto.

Powerpoint slides for Jack Whitehead's keynote to Headteachers and teachers in Nicosia, Cyprus, 25 April 2015

Paper for Jack Whitehead's keynote on 'Improving Schools with Action and Living Theory Research' to Headteachers and teachers in Nicosia, Cyprus, 25 April 2015

Notes for Jack Whitehead's contribution to the posthumous postgraduate award ceremony for Sally Cartwright at the University of Bath on the 14th April 2015. 'Sally Cartwright - Master Educator'.

From the 31st March 2015, three months of free access to the Living Theory collection in Gifted Education International, published by Sage.

Living-educational-theories of holistic approaches to poverty, globalisation and schooling: A Living Theory approach - A virtual presentation to the ‘International Conference on Poverty Globalisation and Schooling: A holistic approach’ at the University of Central Florida on the 28th February 2015.

Details of the Practitioner-Researcher 2015-16 e-seminar on JISCmail.

Join or Leave the 2015-16 Practitioner Researcher e-seminar on JISCmail.

Archives of the Practitioner-Researcher 2007-15 e-seminar on JISCmail.

Virtual Learning Space for 'Living Values, Improving Practice Co-operatively: Developing An International Action Research Continuing Professional Development Project'

2011-2014 'Transformative Education/al Studies' project in South Africa

Join the 2011-2014 'Transformative Education/al Studies' project for Masters and Doctoral enquiries by clicking here

Subscribe to JISCmail 5X5X5=CREATIVITY

The form for Joining or Leaving the Action Research Africa Network (ARAN) on JISCmail

The archives of the Action Research Africa Network (ARAN) on JISCmail

Previous Items.

Notes for Jack Whitehead's virtual presentation on 'The Bluewater Action Research Network In An International Context' to the Symposium of the Bluewater Action Research Network on the 8th April 2016 in Chesley, Ontario, Canada.

Notes, powerpoint slides and video for Jack Whitehead's virtual presentation on Developments in living-educational-theories of holistic approaches to poverty, globalisation and schooling: A Living Theory research approach, to the ‘International Conference on Poverty Globalisation and Schooling: A holistic approach’ at the University of Central Florida on the 20th February 2016.

Podcast of Jack Whitehead on Living Theory/Action Research interviewed by Sean Delaney (Dublin City Radio, 27/01/16)


18-20 February 2016, Conference information (submission deadline has passed) on Poverty, Globalization and Schooling: A Holistic Approach, University of Central Florida.

Notes for a presentation by Jack Whitehead to a meeting of NEARI in Dublin on the 16th January 2016 on Embracing the 'messiness' of action research in enhancing your educational influences in learning with the Network Educational Action Research Ireland (NEARI).

Notes for presentations by Jack Whitehead at Dublin City University on the 15th January 2016 on 'New Models of Digital Scholarship: How can the digital be used as a site of research and also as a channel for disseminating research on teaching?' Embracing the 'messiness' of action research in enhancing your educational influences in learning with the Network Educational Action Research Ireland (NEARI).

Shelagh Hetreed's tribute to Princess Campbell 1939-2015

ALARA 9th Action Learning Action Research and 13th Participatory Action Research World Congress - Collaborative And Sustainable Learning For A Fairer World: Rhetoric or Reality? 4-7 November 2015, Pretoria, South Africa.

Developing the research potential of living-posters. A Workshop On Living Theory Research: Innovative Research Methods In Researching One’s Own Higher Education. Marie Huxtable and Jack Whitehead at the University of Cumbria 3 June 2015

Marie Huxtable and Jack Whitehead - How does Living Educational Theory research enable individuals to research into their higher education to improve it and contribute to educational knowledge? A presentation by Marie Huxtable at the BERA HE SIG on Researching into Higher Education: Innovative Research Methods on 8th May 2015 at the Institute of Education, London.

Jacqueline Delong's presentation on 'A pedagogy of loving into learning in living-cultures-of-inquiry' at the 2015 Action Research Network of the Americas Conference, Ontario Institute For Studies in Education, Toronto, Ontario, Canada on May 10.

Jack Whitehead's paper on 'How could Living Theory research contribute to the Action Research Network of the Americas?' for presentation at the 2015 ARNA conference on the 9th May in Toronto.

Successful Town Hall Meeting Proposal for 2015 Action Research Network of the Americas (ARNA) conference with the theme Joint Action - Learning with and from one another - 8-9 May in Toronto.

Powerpoint slides for Jack Whitehead's keynote to Headteachers and teachers in Nicosia, Cyprus, 25 April 2015

Paper for Jack Whitehead's keynote on 'Improving Schools with Action and Living Theory Research' to Headteachers and teachers in Nicosia, Cyprus, 25 April 2015

Notes for Jack Whitehead's contribution to the posthumous postgraduate award ceremony for Sally Cartwright at the University of Bath on the 14th April 2015. 'Sally Cartwright - Master Educator'.

From the 31st March 2015, three months of free access to the Living Theory collection in Gifted Education International, published by Sage.

Living-educational-theories of holistic approaches to poverty, globalisation and schooling: A Living Theory approach - A virtual presentation to the ‘International Conference on Poverty Globalisation and Schooling: A holistic approach’ at the University of Central Florida on the 28th February 2015.

2011-2014 'Transformative Education/al Studies' project in South Africa

Join the 2011-2014 'Transformative Education/al Studies' project for Masters and Doctoral enquiries by clicking here

Subscribe to JISCmail 5X5X5=CREATIVITY

Arianna Briganti's PhD proposal accepted by the Universities of Lancaster and Cumbria in December 2014.

Global Learning Seminar with Mark Potts, Jack Whitehead, Steve Coombs & Madhumita Bhattacharya at the Institute of Education, University College London on the 2nd December 2014.

Symposium at BERA 2014 on 24th September on 'Creating an Educational Epistemology through living-educational-theories'

Notes for Jack Whitehead's keynote on Improving Learning And Practice In The Workplace Through Living Theory Research to a conference at the Institute for Adult Learning Singapore (IAL) on the 11th July 2014

Whitehead, J.(2014) Enhancing Professionalism in Education through the Living-Theories of Practitioner-Researchers. Keynote on 18th June 2014 to a Conference of the Research Institute for Professional Learning in Education (RIPLE) of the University of Cumbria.

Whitehead, J. & Delong J. (2014) Self-study contributions to a history of S-STEP, A presentation at the 2014 Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, 4th April, 2014.

Whitehead, J. (2014) How does the constraining power of education researchers influence the emergence of educational knowledge and theory? A presentation at the 2014 Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, 6th April, 2014 at a session of the Philosophical Studies in Education SIG on Educational Responses to Epistemological Issues

Programme for British Council sponsored workshop, 11-14 November 2013 in Podgorica, Montenegro, lead by Jack Whitehead on 'Using action research with living educational theories to improve practice and to generate knowledge'.

Powerpoint slides for Dr. Jacqueline Delong's presentation at Japan's Women's University on the 9th November 2013, on 'Lesson Improvement and School Reform through Action Research in Canada.'

Text to support the Powerpoint slides for Dr. Jacqueline Delong's presentation at Japan's Women's University on the 9th November 2013, on 'Lesson Improvement and School Reform through Action Research in Canada.' .

Papers presented at BERA 2013, Jack Whitehead, Je Kan Adler-Collins and Marie Huxtable

Researching Our Own Practice. Colloquium at Liverpool Hope University 25-26 July 2013

Video of Jack Whitehead's presentation on living-educational-theories at Oranim College in Israel, on the 8th July 2013

Video of Jack Whitehead's presentation on multi-media narratives at Oranim College in Israel, on the 8th July 2013

Jack Whitehead's notes for his keynote presentation on "Research and Practice" to the 6th International Conference on Teacher Education, in Israel, on the 4th July 2013, with a 23:35 minute video of his presentation

40:57 minute video of Jack Whitehead’s keynote on action research and living-theory on 30 June 2013, to a Microsoft sponsored seminar organised by HOPE (Help Our People) in Mauritius

Jack Whitehead’s outline schedule, 20-24 MAY 2013, with videos for the 5 day Workshop on Action Research for Teachers, under the Project for the Promotion of Science and Mathematics Talented Teachers at the Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology of the Ministry of Education of Thailand.

Jack Whitehead's notes and urls for his expert seminar presentation on "Researching one's own practice in transforming educational knowledge with values of common humanity." at Edge Hill University on the 13 May 2013, including access to his 2010 keynote at Edge Hill University to celebrate 125 years in teacher education

Workshop at the inaugural conference of the Action Research Network of the Americas on 2nd May 2013 in San Francisco on 'What could the Action Research Network of the Americas contribute to and learn from the learning of others?'

An international Round Table discussion on Creativity And Criticism In The Growth Of Educational Knowledge From Researching One’s Own Practice. at the inaugural conference of the Action Research Network of the Americas on 2nd May 2013 in San Francisco

Jacqueline Delong, Elizabeth Campbell & Jack Whitehead, with Cathy Griffin on 'How are we creating cultures of inquiry with self-studies that transcend constraints of poverty on empathetic learning? at the American Educational Research Association Conference in San Francisco on the 28th April 2013.

Elizabeth Campbell, Jacqueline Delong & Cathy Griffin, with Jack Whitehead on 'Action research transcends constraints of poverty in elementary, high school and post-graduate settings' at the American Educational Research Association Conference in San Francisco on the 29th April 2013

The Living Theory produced by Teachers and Students as a basis for Change and Development. Notes for translation to be presented by Jack Whitehead to a conference on ‘Genuine dialogue on issues of education: Active research: teacher and student as researchers’ in the municipality of Pylaia – Hortiati, Thessaloniki, Greece, on the 26 January 2013.

Programme for above Conference in Thessaloniki 26 January 2013

Mark Potts' Living Citizenship website

What are Co-operative Schools? Frequently asked questions.

Call for papers for the Culture Health and Wellbeing International Conference, June 24th-26th, Bristol, UK.

Call for papers in Spanish and English for the Inaugural conference of the Action Research Network of the Americas, 1-2 May 2013 in San Francisco

Registration details for the Inaugural conference of the Action Research Network of the Americas, 1-2 May 2013 in San Francisco

Fulfilling the Objects of the British Educational Research Association - a Symposium at BERA 4-6 September 2012 in Manchester UK, with Je Kan Adler-Collins, Nigel Harrison, Margaret Farren and Jack Whitehead

Researching To Improve Educational Practice For The Public Benefit With Living Citizenship And 5X5X5=Creativity - a Symposium at BERA 4-6 September 2012 in Manchester UK, with Penny Hay, Marie Huxtable, Steve Coombs and Mark Potts and Jack Whitehead

APEX Living Legacies: Stories creating futures. Edited by Andrew Henon, published August 2012

Notes for a workshop presentation by Jack Whitehead at the British Psychological Society Special Group in Coaching Psychology, 3.45-5.15 on 7th December 2012 at the Lakeside Conference Centre, Aston University, UK with the theme Putting coaching psychology into practice: an evidence based approach.

Jack Whitehead's discussant responses to the Transformative Education/al Studies Symposium at AERA 2012 in Vancouver

Video of Jack Whitehead speaking at a workshop at the African Union Headquarters, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on the 27th August 2012, with a focus on living educational theories with action research in developing African leadership in ICT for the knowledge society

Notes for Jack Whitehead's keynote to the Association for Coaching Conference in Edinburgh on the 22 June 2012

Jacqueline Delong's and Jack Whitehead's paper on 'The educational significance of a teaching model for the creation of a culture of inquiry' for a roundtable conversation on the 17th April at the 2012 AERA Conference in Vancouver

Jack Whitehead's paper on 'To Know Is Not Enough, Or Is it?' for presentation on the 14th April at the 2012 AERA Conference in Vancouver

Joan Walton's Doctoral Lecture at Liverpool Hope University on the 13th February 2012

Slides for Jack Whitehead's Lecture and Workshop on 'Improving Learning with Action Research and Living Educational Theories', in Ljubljana, Slovenia on the 11th February 2012

Developing a relationally dynamic epistemology for educational knowledge - Jack Whitehead's presentation to the British Educational Research Association, 7th September 2011

Jack Whitehead's review of Huber, J. & Mompoint-Gaillard, P. (Ed.) (2011) Teacher education for change: The theory behind the Council of Europe Pestalozzi Programme. Strasbourg; Council of Europe.

Notes for Jack Whitehead's Mandela Day Lecture on the 18th July 2011 in Durban, South Africa, with a 63 minute video of the presentation.

Archives of discussions with Ed.D. researchers at Liverpool Hope University.

"Teachers and Student Researchers as Knowledge Producers with their Living Educational Theories" A Paper to be presented to a conference on ‘Genuine dialogue on issues of education: Active research- teacher and student as researchers’ in the municipality of Pylaia – Hortiati, Thessaloniki, Greece on the 20 January 2012.

Programme and video-clips of Early Years Educator's Conference in the Centre for the Child, Family and Society of Liverpool Hope University on the 23rd June 2011. Posted on the 26 Nov. 2011.

Notes for Jack Whitehead's keynote to a conference on Research on Teacher Education, in Solstrand, Bergen, Norway on the 16-17 November 2011

'Creativity and Emotional Wellbeing' a 5X5X5 = Creativity event on the 11/11/11 at the American Museum in Bath

5X5X5 = Creativity - action research with pupils

Notes for Jack Whitehead's Presentation on multi-media narratives for research into the influences of educational leadership and professional learning, at Bath Spa University on the 7th June 2011

Accounting for Ourselves in our Living Educational Theories. Jack Whitehead's Foundation Hour Presentation at Liverpool Hope University on the 12th January 2011.

Notes for Jack Whitehead's Presentation to the 'Value and Virtue in Practice-based Research' Conference at York St. John University, 1-2 June, 2011

A conference on 'The Professional Work of Early Years Educators: Every Moment Counts' - 23 June 2011, in the Centre for the Child and Family at Liverpool Hope University

Relational dynamic framing for four of Jack Whitehead's presentations at the American Educational Research Association Conference in New Orleans 8-12 April 2011

Notes for Jack Whitehead's keynote to the 2011 Workshop on Alternative Research Paradigms at Covenant University, Nigeria, 14th February 2011

Notes for Jack Whitehead's keynote to the 125 Anniversary Conference at Edge Hill University on the 20th October 2010, on The Teacher as Researcher and the Researcher as Teacher

Presentation on 'How do I contribute to enhancing the flow of values that carry hope for humanity in personal, professional, local and global contexts and generate educational knowledge?' to the CARN conference on the 6 November 2010, Cambridge, UK.

Developing Innovative Visual Educational Resources for Students Everywhere (DIVERSE) at Dublin City University 28-30 June 2011, Director - Yvonne Crotty. Looking forward to seeing you there.

Youtube urls for Jack Whitehead's Keynote to a Council of Europe, Pestalozzi Workshop, 16th September 2010, Bergen, Norway, on: Living Educational Theories and the Validity of Multi-Media Accounts

Programme for 'Action Research: Exploring Its Transformative Potential'. A conference of the Action Research Unit, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa, 19th-20th August 2010.

Contributions to the Keynote Symposium on 'Enhancing Professional Learning: The New Professionalism' of the 3rd September 2010, to the British Educational Research Association Annual Conference at the University of Warwick, with the video-introduction by Prof. Bart McGettrick and the video-presentations of Dr. Joan Walton (with paper), Dr. Tanya Hathaway, Dr. Linda Rush (with paper), Ms Anne James, Dr. Bernie Hughes, Miss Deidre Hewitt and Tim Griffiths.

Jack Whitehead's paper and video of a presentation to BERA 2010 on the 2nd Sept. on Creating An Educational Epistemology In The Multi-Media Narratives Of Living Educational Theories And Living Theory Methodologies.

Joan Conolly's abstract and video of her presentation on 'Transforming our educational practice: Some critical reflections on the educational influence of self-study, to the conference on Action Research: Exploring its Transformative Potential', 20th August 2010

Jack's notes for a keynote at the Action Research Unit of Nelson Mandela University - 20th August 2010 - on 'How Do I Improve What I Am Doing And Generate My Living Educational Theory? Action Research: Exploring Its Transformative Potential'

Notes for Alan Rayner's keynote to the 8th World Congress of ALARA on 'Participatory Action Research and Action Learning: Appreciating our Pasts, Comprehending our Presents, Prefiguring our Futures'.

Draft Powerpoint presentation of 28th August 2010 for Alan Rayner's keynote on 'Sustainability of the Fitting: 'Natural Inclusion and Educational Enrichment' at the ALARA World Congress in September 2010 (2.4Mb file)

The Seventh Annual Action Research Conference 14-15th May 2010 presented by the University of San Diego School of Leadership and Education Science on 'Empowerment and action research: Personal growth, professional development, and social change in educational and community settings.' Jack's details for the keynote.

Jack's notes for the above keynote at USD on the 14th May 2010

Jack Whitehead's presentation to AERA on the 1st May 2010 in Denver on 'Improving Practice And Knowledge Through Time And Space With Complex Ecologies And Action Research.'

Resources for Jack Whitehead's keynote on Living Educational Theories and for a workshop on validating multi-media accounts at the Postgraduate Research Conference at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in Port Elizabeth, South Africa on the 30th November 2009.

Jack Whitehead Validations in the voices of others.

Review/Appraisal 2008-10

Review/Appraisal 2007-8

From Dialectics to Inclusionality: A naturally inclusive approach to educational accountability. Jack Whitehead and Alan Rayner 6th November 2009.

Jack Whitehead's Reflections following a workshop, on action research and living educational theory, and individual conversations at Durban University of Technology between the 8th-12th December 2009.

Resources for strengthening master's writings html format

Resources for strengthening master's writings pdf format

Risk and Resilience in Higher Education in Improving Practice and Generating Knowledge. Jack Whitehead's Keynote of 22nd November 2009 for presentation at the HELTASA Conference in Johannesburg on the 27 November 2009 (pdf format)

Risk and Resilience in Higher Education in Improving Practice and Generating Knowledge. Jack Whitehead's Keynote of 22nd November 2009 for presentation at the HELTASA Conference in Johannesburg on the 27 November 2009 (html format)

Make a Difference: Developing Talent Workshop on the 10th and/or 16th November 2009 with Marie Huxtable, Andrew Henon and Jack Whitehead

Creativity/Works. A report from North East Somerset Arts (NESA) edited by Andrew Henon, lead artist and project manager. Launched on the 2nd October 2009

Encouraging Creativity in Education. Proceedings of the conference on Creativity in Teacher Education, Pozega, Croatia 28-30 September 2009 (large file allow a couple of minutes to download using broadband)

Keynote Symposium on Explicating A New Epistemology For Educational Knowledge With Educational Responsibility, 3rd September 2009 at the British Educational Research Association Conference in Manchester

Paper presented at BERA 09

Exploring Inclusionality.

Alan Rayner's writings on Inclusionality.

Your Living Research Stories

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