For the Monday group and an invitation to colleagues to participate in the



5.00-7.00 1WN 3.8 17/01/05.


After we've caught up with each others' week I'd like to share a

contribution from Peggy Leong at the Academy of Best Learning in Education

(ABLE) in Singapore's Institute of Technical Education. I'd like to spend

a few minutes browsing through Module 5: Action Research for professional

growth and development at in the context of:


a) Peggy's (2004) presentation on 'Embarking on a Learning Journey:

Developing the PEPP&ER Framework for Action Research', to the


Jointly organized by the Office of the Vocational Education Commission

Ministry of Education, Thailand, The Federation of Private Vocational

Schools of Thailand & UNESCO, 13-14 Aug 2004. Peggy is Manager of the

Academy of Best Learning in Education.


b) continuing our conversation with Moira on enhancing the educational

influence of China's Experimental Centre for Educational Action in Foreign

Languages Teaching. Moira hopes to join us at a Monday evening

conversation in early February with Dean Tian from Guyuan Teachers

College. Dean Tian is managing the Experimental Centre.


b) Marie's interest in contributing to the BANES policy that by July 2005:


1) Six schools will have undertaken an action research project with a view

to improved understanding of issues around inclusion and lessons for

improved practice.


2) Inclusion Support Service Teams will be aware of the nature and

benefits of action research on inclusion and how to support schools in

undertaking the research.


3) A range of examples of Action Research projects relating to inclusive

practice will be publicized 'on the website', 'Name and Acclaim',

authority conferences etc.


4) Accreditation opportunities will have been identified for the Team and



Joao - I think you said you'd be able to share your ideas for the

development of the Bristol Sensory Support Service. Harry this could give

you an opening to share ideas from your research. Dave too.


Alan's 'Life, Environment and People' course for this academic year should

help with the clarification and insubjective agreement about our

inclusional awareness of the meanings of scientific enquiry. Alan - if you

have the final outline curriculum and evaluation criteria for the course I

could post them in the Monday evening section of as

part of our conversation. I'm puzzling away at the possibility of coming

to an intersubjective agreement about the inclusional meanings of:


a loving flow-form of life affirming energy in educational relationships;

scientific enquiry;

contextual understandings;

originality of mind;

critical judgement;

educational enquiry.


First, very embryonic thoughts at .


Erica has started at Oxford Brookes University and now has Jane as a

colleague. Jane and Erica -  Looking forward to updates on your research





Looking forward to seeing you on monday evening. If you won't be here do

send in e-mail updates so that we can keep in touch with what you are

doing. If you want to refresh your memory about contributions to earlier

conversations these are updated weekly in the 'Monday Evening

Conversations in Bath' section at the top of the left hand menu of



Love Jack.