For the Monday group and an invitation to colleagues


5.00-7.00, 1WN 3.8, Monday 14th March 2005.


After weÕve caught up with each otherÕs news from the week we have the following contributions to engage with in our conversation.


i) From James (S) on his research into a multi-media account of coming to a better understanding of the values that give meaning and purpose to his life in his curriculum at the Royal Agricultural College.


ii) JeanÕs, MairinÕs, CatrionaÕs, MaryÕs and BernieÕs  contributions to SaturdayÕs (12th March) Symposium of the Annual Conference of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland in University College Cork on:

The transformative potentials of our self-studies for a new epistemology of educational enquiry in our university



iii) Review of PaulusÕ JackÕs QÕs, EdenÕs and AllumÕs contributions on  Thursday 10th March to Sussex UniversityÕs Diversity Week on:


"Translating Diversity Policy into Practice: Responsibilities and Opportunities for Transforming Our Living Practices of Inclusion in British Higher Education" 


Details from Sussex University at:


iv) Integrating EleanorÕs idea of love at work in a pedagogy of presence within inclusional educational enquiries.


v) Researching the educational influences of AlanÕs curriculum on Life, Environment and People.


vi) Collaborative enquiry with Marie into the educational influence of AR within the context of BANES.


Whatever IÕve missed do bring it along and e-mail your contributions. Looking forward to seeing you on Monday and hearing from you.


Margarida may be bringing some of the Spanish teachers who will have been visiting St MartinÕs Garden School, with James (P) earlier in the day.


Love Jack.