For the Monday group and an invitation to colleagues:


5.00-7.00 1 WN 3.8 Monday 10th January 2005.


Here's wishing you a most pleasurable and productive year for 2005 which

I'm hoping we'll all be able to share.


After we've caught up with each others' news on Monday evening I'm hoping

that we can look ahead with a bit of planning for the

practitioner-researcher seminar on the 16th April 2005 at McGill

University (the Saturday immediately following AERA in Montreal) and for

the practitioner-researcher day we are organising at Bath for the BERA

Practitioner-Researcher SIG on a Saturday in June/July 2005. Judy - has

your doctoral defense been fixed for sometime during the AERA week?


Before Monday I'm hoping you will look at the brief correspondence

between Moira and James in the Discuss this Article section of: under the

topic: The Value of Love In Educational Sustainability In China. James has

used the facility to create live url links in Action Research Expeditions

to connect with his Ph.D. thesis and to his question, 'How can love enable

justice to see rightly?'


I'm also hoping that you will have a few minutes just to browse through

the multi-media account Maggie and I have drafted out on:

Living webs of betweenness and our pedagogies of the unique: Enhancing our

educational influence through sharing living educational theories with

Information and Communication Technologies,



I wouldn't try to access the video-clips without broadband.


Maggie and I are wondering how to create a more inclusional account in a

way that is consistent with Alan's idea of a relationally dynamic

awareness of space and boundaries that are connective, reflexive and

co-creative. We are also wondering, as we connect with Alan's idea of the

complex self, if we have managed to ground our presentation in a fully

contextualized understanding of our self-identities in which our distinct

but not discrete inner and outer spatial aspects are reciprocally coupled

through an intermediary self-boundary. We'd also like to strengthen the

ontologies in our account in relation to Alon's heuristic into human



As we have engaged with video clips of Maggie with her students in a

validation group, with Pete in the celebration of Jackie's graduation day,

with Jackie and Jack in a doctoral supervision session and with Moira at

the end of a Year 3 English Methodology class at Guyuan Teachers' College,

we are wondering if you can see ways in which we could improve the

inclusionality of our account. We've connected our account to Eleanor's

prologue to Love at Work, to Paulus' analysis of 'we-i' relationships in

the African Cosmology of Ubuntu and to Karen Teeson's biological insights

into the interconnecting and branching networks of communication used by

fungi and other tubular structures in anastomosis. We've also connected

our understandings of our 'webs of betweenness' to John O Donohue's

analysis of celtic spirituality in his Divine Beauty and to Bernstein's

definition of pedagogy. Joan (Whitehead) - can you see ways in which we

can use your analysis of 'Making the possible, probable', to strengthen

our analysis?


Jackie, Pete, Moira, Alan and Eleanor - do the ways we have related to you

and included our connection to your work in the text seem appropriate to

you? Can you think of ways our text could become more inclusional?


Jean, Ram, Marian, Je Kan, Alon, Ken, Joao, Ceri, Margarida, Erica, Mary,

Paul (Hocking), Jacqui, Ben, Jane and Robyn - can you think of ways in

which we could connect with your voices, ideas and texts and that would

resonate with your feelings of inclusionality? (Alon - could you give this

some thought for Monday so that we can extend the draft with references to

your own doctoral enquiry?)


Paul (Hocking), Jason, Hilary, Keith, Ian, Eden, Graham, Joan (Walton),

Madeline, Mark, Cheryl, Andy (Larter), Kev, Karen and Simon - do please

e-mail to let us know if there are points in the text that resonate with

your own concerns and which we could then connect to your own work.


If you can't be here on Monday do e-mail in your news for us to share. If

I've inadvertently missed you off the 'names' above, please don't let

that get in the way of offering your advice on how to improve the quality

of inclusionality in our account.


Looking forward to Monday evening's conversation.


Love Jack.