4.30-7.00 1 WN 3.8 Tuesday 1st November.


Looking forward to seeing everyone after the half-term break.


In this week's session we looked at dates for the sessions and for the hand in of the educational enquiry to the CPD Office. Let's see if we can confirm these dates next week.


No session on the 8th November – Jack at a conference in Canada

Sessions on:


!5th November, 22 November 29 November

No session on the 6th December.

13 December

No session on the 20th December

14th February  Bringing Drafts for group evaluation.

21st February   Final session for draft enquiries.

6th March  Hand in Educational Enquiry to CPD Office.


I've checked with Jacqueline Stockley and everyone should have by next Tuesday your username and password to access the electronic resources in our Library.  By clicking on:




you should be able to access our Library Catalogue – do try it out. By bringing the letter of registration with your username and password to the Library you can get your Library Card.  Do see if you can access our OnLine Resources. See if you can access the back issues of Educational Action Research and the British Educational Research Journal.  Don't worry if you can't get into this quickly – I'll go through the process again next Tuesday for those who couldn't be here this Tuesday because of half term.


Because of half-term our conversation on Tuesday focused more on our imaginations as we thought about how we make sense/explain our educational influences in our students' learning and how we could show/demonstrate our educational influences to the group.  Richard demonstrated the use of a minature video-camera.  Here's something to try. I imagine that like me you look in a mirror at least once a day!  The next time you do it, look more carefully and wonder how you can show our Tuesday group the educational influence of the person gazing back from the mirror in your students' learning!


In my own educational enquiry I've been working on this to see if I can show and explain my own educational influences in my students' learning with Yaqub Murray, a senior lecturer at the Royal Agricultural College. This afternoon we presented our account on:


Teacher self-study for exploring effective practices of inclusion: in the context of engaging with student cultural diversity in the Curriculum – What works?


To the Higher Education Academy Seminar in London on Engaging with student cultural diversity in the Curriculum: What works?  


We've put our notes at:




and I'm hoping you might find some interesting ideas in my notes that could be useful to you in the write up of your



Don't hesitate to e-mail with any issues you feel you'd like to raise, information you would like to access or writings that you would like to share with the whole group. If you have any writings in which you are making a claim to know the educational influence you are having in your own learning and/or your pupils' learning do please share it with the whole group. I'd really appreciate such a claim so that I could consider issues like validity, rigour, subjectivity/objectivity and generalisability in our educational enquiries.


Hope to see you Tuesday.


Love Jack.