Unit Description – Gifts, Talents and Education (12 credit)


Unit code


Unit title

Gifts, Talents and Education (12 credit)

Unit provider

Department of Education

Teaching provider

Department of Education


The aims of this unit are to critically analyse and evaluate:


  • different perspectives on the concepts of gifts and talents in educational contexts
  • school and central and local government policies on gifted and talented education and inter-related policies and strategies such as personalisation of learning, inclusion and Every Child Matters.
  • the validity of an inclusive and inclusional approach to gifted and talented education
  • the basis on which valid judgments on the educational influence on pupils developing gifts and talents can be made
  • the educational influences of teachers with responsibility for gifted and talented education on the development other teachers and on the learning of their pupils
  • an attempt to contribute to the knowledge base of effective practice in the field through action research..

Learning Outcomes

Having studied the unit, students will be able to:


  • Analyse different theoretical perspectives and practical understandings of gifted and talented education.
  • Analyse the educational implications of school and central and local government policies on the education of children in relation to the concepts of equality of educational opportunity and the development of gifts and talents.
  • Critically evaluate research on gifted and talented education in terms of educational influences in the learning of pupils.
  • Collect, analyse and interpret data with colleagues and pupils in order to make valid judgments on the educational influence on pupils developing their gifts and talents
  • Produce a validated account of their educational influence in the development of pupils' gifts and talents.



Independent learning (F)

Problem identification, analysis and solving (F/A)

Individual research and reflection (F/A)

Critical reasoning (F/A)

Plan, conduct and report an individual investigation (F/A)

Critically evaluate own performance (F/A)

Written communication (A)

Key Skills

1. Make critical use of the literature of the field of Education (T/F/A).

2. Make critical use of professional experience in the field of Education (T/F/A).

3. Undertake and educational study in an appropriately critical, original and balanced fashion (T/F/A).

4. Analyse, interpret and critique findings and arguments (T/F/A).

5. Collect, Analyse and interpret data appropriately (T/F/A).

6. Draw appropriate conclusions from an education research study, taking account of its strengths and limitations (T/F/A).

7. Select and justify the focus, scope and methodology of an educational research study (T/F/A).

8. Review, employ, and engage critically with an appropriate literature through the design, conduct and evaluation of an educational research study (T/F/A).

9. Demonstrate self-direction and originality in tackling and solving problems (T/F/A).

10. Evaluate research and variety of types of information and evidence critically, also making informed judgements in the absence of complete data (T/F/A)

11. Initiate change in practice appropriately (T/F/A).

12. Contribute to professional debate in the field of education (F).

13. Act autonomously in planning and implementing tasks at a professional level (F).

14. Communicate their conclusions clearly to specialist and non-specialist audiences (T/F/A).

15. Evaluate their own academic and professional learning (T/F/A).

16. Manage change effectively and respond to changing demands (F).

17. Manage time, prioritise workloads and recognise and manage personal emotions and stress (F).

18. Develop new or higher level skill, for example in information technology (F).


The unit will address the following issues.

  • Theoretical perspectives and practical understandings of the gifted and talented education.
  • School, local authority and government policies on gifted and talented education.
  • The value judgments implicit in different perspectives on the education of gifted and talented children particularly in relation to inclusional approaches to education.
  • Systemic influences on the learning of pupils developing gifts and talents
  • The use of action research methodologies in the improvement of educational practice and the development of educational knowledge.


In the unit, participants will be required to undertake a small-scale action research project in which they will research an attempt to improve the education of pupils developing gifts and talents with the overall aim of producing validated explanations of the educational influences on the learning of pupils developing gifts and talents.




M (the unit will not be available to undergraduate students)

Total study hours


Year of Programme & Semester in which offered

Part-time and full-time. Semester in which it is to be offered to be decided.

When available


Location of study

Part-time: Claverton Campus, Study Centres

Contact person

Unit coordinator





Relationship to other units (irrespective of programme of study)








Forbidden combinations






Assessment (lengths and weightings)


a)      Assessed coursework

One essay of 5000 words 100%

b)      Practical classes


c)       Written examinations


d)      Oral examinations


e)       Other (please specify)







Taught contact time (per student): This section will be used as a request for timetabling


Please indicate hours per session, sessions per week & Semester Week Nos

Staff member who will teach

Size of group

a)          Lectures




b)          Seminars/Tutorials

Seminars: 8 x 3 hours (or equivalent)

Tutorials: 1 hr/student


20 max.

c)          Practical classes (labs, computers, language, etc.)




d)          Workshop




e)          Field courses




f)           Other (please specify)




Private study time

(estimate of time and indication of how it might be used)

Approximately 175 hours: Literature review, reading, critical thought and synthesis; school-based research, group meetings; preparation of outline assignment; preparation of draft assignment; preparation of final assignment; additional discussions with other students (electronic or face-to-face)

Any special facilities required:


Shared teaching






Date of approval





Unit Description – Gifts, Talents and Education (9 credit)


Unit code


Unit title

Gifts, Talents and Education (9 credit)

Unit provider

Department of Education

Teaching provider

Department of Education


The aims of this unit are to critically analyse and evaluate:


  • different perspectives on the concepts of gifts and talents in educational contexts
  • school and central and local government policies on gifted and talented education and inter-related policies and strategies such as personalisation of learning, inclusion and Every Child Matters.
  • the validity of an inclusive and inclusional approach to gifted and talented education
  • the basis on which valid judgments on the educational influence on pupils developing gifts and talents can be made
  • the educational influences of teachers with responsibility for gifted and talented education on the development other teachers and on the learning of their pupils
  • an attempt to contribute to the knowledge base of effective practice in the field through action research..

Learning Outcomes

Having studied the unit, students will be able to:


  • Analyse different theoretical perspectives and practical understandings of gifted and talented education.
  • Analyse the educational implications of school and central and local government policies on the education of children in relation to the concepts of equality of educational opportunity and the development of gifts and talents.
  • Critically evaluate research on gifted and talented education in terms of educational influences in the learning of pupils.
  • Collect, analyse and interpret data with colleagues and pupils in order to make valid judgments on the educational influence on pupils developing their gifts and talents
  • Produce a validated account of their educational influence in the development of pupilsÕ gifts and talents.



Independent learning (F)

Problem identification, analysis and solving (F/A)

Individual research and reflection (F/A)

Critical reasoning (F/A)

Plan, conduct and report an individual investigation (F/A)

Critically evaluate own performance (F/A)

Written communication (A)

Key Skills

1. Make critical use of the literature of the field of Education (T/F/A).

2. Make critical use of professional experience in the field of Education (T/F/A).

3. Undertake and educational study in an appropriately critical, original and balanced fashion (T/F/A).

4. Analyse, interpret and critique findings and arguments (T/F/A).

5. Collect, Analyse and interpret data appropriately (T/F/A).

6. Draw appropriate conclusions from an education research study, taking account of its strengths and limitations (T/F/A).

7. Select and justify the focus, scope and methodology of an educational research study (T/F/A).

8. Review, employ, and engage critically with an appropriate literature through the design, conduct and evaluation of an educational research study (T/F/A).

9. Demonstrate self-direction and originality in tackling and solving problems (T/F/A).

10. Evaluate research and variety of types of information and evidence critically, also making informed judgements in the absence of complete data (T/F/A)

11. Initiate change in practice appropriately (T/F/A).

12. Contribute to professional debate in the field of education (F).

13. Act autonomously in planning and implementing tasks at a professional level (F).

14. Communicate their conclusions clearly to specialist and non-specialist audiences (T/F/A).

15. Evaluate their own academic and professional learning (T/F/A).

16. Manage change effectively and respond to changing demands (F).

17. Manage time, prioritise workloads and recognise and manage personal emotions and stress (F).

18. Develop new or higher level skill, for example in information technology (F).


The unit will address the following issues.

  • Theoretical perspectives and practical understandings of the gifted and talented education.
  • School, local authority and government policies on gifted and talented education.
  • The value judgments implicit in different perspectives on the education of gifted and talented children particularly in relation to inclusional approaches to education.
  • Systemic influences on the learning of pupils developing gifts and talents
  • The use of action research methodologies in the improvement of educational practice and the development of educational knowledge.


In the unit, participants will be required to undertake a small-scale action research project in which they will research an attempt to improve the education of pupils developing gifts and talents with the overall aim of producing validated explanations of the educational influences on the learning of pupils developing gifts and talents.




M (the unit will not be available to undergraduate students)

Total study hours


Year of Programme & Semester in which offered

Part-time and full-time. Semester in which it is to be offered to be decided.

When available


Location of study

Part-time: Claverton Campus, Study Centres

Contact person

Unit coordinator





Relationship to other units (irrespective of programme of study)








Forbidden combinations






Assessment (lengths and weightings)


a)      Assessed coursework

One essay of 3500 - 4000 words 100%

b)      Practical classes


c)       Written examinations


d)      Oral examinations


e)       Other (please specify)







Taught contact time (per student): This section will be used as a request for timetabling


Please indicate hours per session, sessions per week & Semester Week Nos

Staff member who will teach

Size of group

g)          Lectures




h)          Seminars/Tutorials

Seminars: 8 x 2.5 hours (or equivalent)

Tutorials: 1 hr/student


20 max.

i)            Practical classes (labs, computers, language, etc.)




j)           Workshop




k)          Field courses




l)            Other (please specify)




Private study time

(estimate of time and indication of how it might be used)

Approximately 130 hours: Literature review, reading, critical thought and synthesis; school-based research, group meetings; preparation of outline assignment; preparation of draft assignment; preparation of final assignment; additional discussions with other students (electronic or face-to-face)

Any special facilities required:


Shared teaching






Date of approval